Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Anticipated Cenacle of the Feast of Our Lady of the Victory of the Rosary at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571
Message from Mary Most Holy the Queen of the Sacrament of Rosary

My beloved children, today, when you are already celebrating the Feast of MY ROSARY SACRATISTIC, remembering the thunderous Victory that I obtained in the LEPANTO BATH, I invite you again to RENEW your love for the HOLY ROSARY, especially for the HOLY ROSARY MEDITATED, which by my order, My little son Marcos has recorded for you so many and so many times since some years and has given you so that through this Rosary you can grow every day more, on the path of prayer, on the path of spiritual elevation to God, of perfect correspondence to my motherly Love and also of the mysteries contained in the Holy Rosary, of my life and the life of my son Jesus.
Meditating more and more on the Holy Rosary, contemplating also the Messages, which I gave in all the Places of My Apparitions and which are engraved in these Rosaries that My son Marcos made for you, you every day grow more and more in the knowledge of the examples of holiness of My son JESUS and of Mine, you also know more and more My maternal appeals and My requests made in so many of My Apparitions besides the requests that I made to you Here, and so in you love, true love can grow more and more every day until reaching its fullness.
I have come to call you to renew your love for the Holy Rosary so that it may become and be ever more for you the beacon that illuminates your path every day of your life leading you ever more to God. Renew your love for the Holy Rosary, praying it always more with the heart, that is, making your soul ever more open to God's Will, to know it and fulfill it promptly as the Saints did, so that your prayer may not be sterile and fruitless, but may truly bear fruit of conversion, sanctification and salvation in your lives.
Renew your love for the Holy Meditated Rosary, so that by meditating every day on My examples, on the examples of Christ and also on My Messages you may grow a little more every day in true love for the Lord and for Me and may give to all the souls of the whole world a vibrant and luminous example of love, fidelity and obedience to the Lord.
Renew your love for the Holy Rosary, giving always more the meditated Holy Rosary that My son Marcos made known to all, so that all My children can come out of the darkness into the light, can come out of the mire of sins to enter the path of PURITY, until they become more Angels than men, so that they can truly come out of eternal death and enter the life of sanctifying grace. In this way, My children, all the souls of the world will enter My Holiness School and I will be able to guide you all safely to Heaven and to the perfection that the Lord desires from you.
I love you so much, My children! And here where I have made My Holy Rosary more known and more loved, more spread and more prayed as never before I desire more and more than your souls, that your hearts become propagators and apostles of the devotion of My Holy Rosary throughout the world, for as I said to My servant, to My SUNDAY OF GUSMAN: "He who serves Me through My Rosary every day will not be lost. He who loves Me through the Holy Rosary will not know eternal misfortune, eternal perdition". That's why little children the world will be saved through the Holy Rosary. Propagate it now with even more ardor and zeal so that hearts so hardened and full of sin can finally be redeemed and saved by the love of the Lord who sent me here to Jacareí to accomplish His great Triumph in the world through My Holy Rosary.
I love you so much! And when you pray the Holy Rosary you become even more dear, more dear to my Immaculate Heart. Therefore, little children, never be discouraged, for he who does not lose heart in praying the Holy Rosary but perseveres in it every day until the end of his life will receive from Me the crown of eternal life.
This Holy Place of My Apparitions here in Jacareí where My Rosary is so loved, prayed and propagated, especially by My little son Marcos who has made more than 270 Rosaries so far for My children and then also who is so loved, prayed and propagated by My children, who pray it, who love it and make it known to others, here My Heart already begins to obtain its triumph through My Rosary in souls, hearts and families.
Keep going, keep going, keep going. Yes! praying My Rosary, spreading with all your heart to all souls! Continue because Here My dear children, I, as in the battle of Lepanto will be the great victor and I will save Brazil, I will save your families and your souls by the virtue of My Holy Rosary.
To all at this moment I bless and invite you to great and joyful joy. Through My Meditated Rosary from here of My Apparitions in Jacareí, one day soon I will save the world.
To all I bless FÁTIMA, MONTICHIARI, LOURDES and JACAREÍ. Peace My beloved children".