Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Cenacle of the Feast of Corpus Christi
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ

My children, today, when you celebrate the feast of my body and my blood, I, JESUS, come to tell you solemnly:
My Eucharistic Heart will soon triumph, and this Triumph, which will also be the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my Most Holy Mother, will bring you new Heavens, new Earth, and will truly make known to you a new time of holiness, grace and peace over the whole Earth!
My Eucharistic Heart will triumph, and in this triumph I will crush all My enemies, all the enemies of My Holy Catholic Faith, placing them on My footstool, reducing them to nothing and transforming their works of death into nothing before all Nations, These My enemies will be banished forever from My presence and the righteous who have suffered so much under the evil yoke of the wicked will finally be freed, will have true peace and true joy and will finally find the beginning of a new time of a new life of grace, holiness and joy for them.
My Eucharistic Heart will triumph, and reduce to nothing, to a heap of ruins the kingdom of Satan and all that evil men have built in this world without Me. From one moment to the next Satan will see his kingdom crumble to the ground, his throne will finally be shaken and crumble, crumble, and in place of his wicked throne I will COLLECT TWO GLORIOUS Thrones: MY HEART AND THE HEART OF MY MOST HOLY MOTHER, AND WITH US ALSO WILL BE MY FATHER SAINT JOSEPH, WHO WITH HIS MOST LOVING HEART HAS ALWAYS WORKED AND IS WORKING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OUR KINGDOM OF LOVE IN SOULS, IN HEARTS AND IN NATIONS. Satan who with so much pride, pride and ostentation built his kingdom in this present society and humanity, who banished Me from their lives, their families, their laws and their Nations will soon see this kingdom crumble to the ground and nothing but ashes will be left of it and in its place I will put My Kingdom of Light, My Kingdom of Holiness, My Kingdom of Grace to replace the kingdom of sin, of darkness, hatred, violence, selfishness and death that Satan has now established in this perverted humanity and rebel to MY LOVE.
And MY SACRED HEART who will then be the only true victor will raise the Flag of His Victory in all hearts, in all families, in the bosom of the church itself and of humanity.
The Church will be purified by My devouring fire and all its rotten members will be consumed by this fire.
My church will finally be free from the influence of the wicked who have entered its interior and will be holy, beautiful, pure and immaculate like My Most Holy Mother in all its members.
That is why My little children have confidence, because the time of this apostasy, the time of Satan's dominion in the world and in today's society is about to end. The Triumph of my Eucharistic Heart is near and when the day of my great Victory dawns for you it will be the joy and happiness of those who have remained faithful to me, to my Mother and have endured the contempt, persecution, rejection and misunderstanding of the world, of the people and of those closest to me because of our Messages. These souls as little martyrs will surround My Throne and the Throne of My Most Holy Mother like the most precious flowers and will form the most beautiful crown of jewels that will adorn Our heads.
Yes My children, My Eucharistic Heart will triumph soon! And it will bring you a time of joy where your eyes will see things, wonders never seen before, and your hearts will experience and feel a happiness that you have never tasted before.
Stand firm, persevere in My Love, and above all, throw out of your hearts the world with its illusory works, with its passing illusions, and above all, throw out of your hearts every seed, every spark of attachment to these things that will pass and return your hearts definitively to the celestial things that will never end.
Yes My children, My Heart has chosen you, elected you and called you Here to become great saints, but without docility, obedience to My voice, the voice of My Mother and My Servant Marcos no one can be. Therefore, I invite you to listen to the calls we give you here through the mouth of Our Servant, do all that we have told you over all these years, so that the moment I come to establish in your midst THE KINGDOM OF MY CHARISTIC HEART, I will find you standing pure and holy before Me. To all, at this moment I bless My Most Holy Mother of PARAY-LE-MONIAL, of TWELVE and of JACAREÍ.
Peace My Children. Peace to you Marcos, the most committed and dedicated of the children of my Sacred Heart".