Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children of mine, today my Immaculate Heart wishes to tell you once more:
I love you! I love you very much! My children, you do not know and cannot imagine how much I love you!
The first great proof of my love for you was my YES given at the Annunciation of the Angel, because in accepting to be the Mother of Jesus, I accepted it not only for love of God, but also for love of the whole human race, the redemption of all humanity. I accepted it for the salvation of all of you, My children.
Then, another proof of the greater love I gave you, was My whole life of so many sufferings, pains and tears beside Jesus and Joseph, suffering everything for love of you. Offering everything with Jesus for your salvation. And as if that were not enough, I also gave you the great proof of love of my Immaculate Heart appearing on earth after my Assumption into Heaven in body and soul, so many thousands of times to call you My children: to conversion, to salvation, to return to God. To alert you to the dangers that humanity has always run throughout the centuries, to awaken you to the sleep of sin, indifference, and spiritual blindness in which My children have so often found themselves at risk of being condemned forever in hell.
And the other final proof of love which is immense from My Immaculate Heart for all of you, are my RECENT AND FINAL APPARITIONS HERE IN JACAREÍ.
These are the last Apparitions that I make for all humanity.
This is why they are long, prolonged, intense, where I communicate to you great, profound and extensive Messages, to show you My children, not only with the unique strength of My presence here. Not only to call you with vehemence and energy to the path of conversion, of penance prayer, but also to show you the great love, the immense love that I have for all of you My children. That is why I give you the longest, deepest, most intense messages of my apparitions, to show you the great haste I have for each one of you and the great desire I have to save you all, my children.
My love for you is so great that if you knew it, if you felt it in all its fullness, even if it were for a few seconds, you would die of happiness!
Yes. My love with overwhelming strength runs your search. Do not deny receiving this love of mine! Do not close the doors of your hearts to this My great love. But open yourselves more and more each day in prayer to receive the powerful influxes of my love into your souls so that then my children, in the power of my love and with the power of my love, may follow each day the path of holiness to which I have called you and point you out here loving God more and more with all your soul, with all your being and also being my true apostles of the last times in this world by giving to all my children the witness of my love and my maternal presence among you.
My Heart loved you so much and gave you a grace that so many nations and generations wanted to have and did not have:
To you, my beloved children to whom I have given so much, today even greater love, a purer love I ask and hope!
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you here, for only those souls who persevere in them will have the strength to reach the end of the period of great tribulation and stand before My Son who will return to you in glory.
I the Queen and Messenger of Peace here in My Apparitions in Jacareí love you so much, so much and I cover you all at this moment with My cloak of love and I generously bless you from LA TALAUDIÈRE, MONTICHIARI and JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children. To all, I bless you now".