Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Cenacle of the Early Feast of Saint Rita De Cascia or Cassia
Message from the Beloved Father Saint Joseph

"-Dear children My! My LOVING HEART blesses you again today and gives you Peace!
My LOVING HEART is the sure Ark that the Holy Trinity gives you in these times of great tribulation, when you have to sail on the troubled sea both from temptations and from sufferings, as well as from the pains and problems that afflict you, which strike and strike you every day. Just as Noah's Ark was the safe refuge for him and his family, and this Ark was the perfect figure of the Virgin Mary, of the true devotion to her that does not allow to perish, that does not allow to sink, whoever to this Ark, to Mary, is gathered, so Noah's Ark is also the figure of my LOVING HEART and of the TRUE DEVOCATION TO ME.
Whoever enters this ark, whoever takes refuge in this ark, will not perish in the rebellious and treacherous sea of this world. He will not perish either by the waves of temptations or by the wanderings of evil that are raging over the entire earth at this time, nor will he perish in despair and affliction due to the great sufferings that you now have to go through to reach your eternal glorification in heaven and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
My Heart is the precious ark that the Most Holy Trinity has given you, so you must enter this ark trusting in Me fully, letting yourselves be led by Me, through My Messages and also through prayer, so that I may lead you ever more to the highest holiness, to the spiritual perfection that pleases the Lord and may make you grow ever more in His friendship, in union with Him, so that at last the Lord may be pleased in you and through you may radiate His light to the whole world!
My Heart is the precious ark that I open and offer to all of you My children! Enter this ARCA, for there you will be helped, healed, protected, raised from the misery of sin, and there I will have medicine for all your ills and pour balm on all your wounds.
Entering the Ark of my Heart, I will truly be able to feed you there, guard you, nourish you, teach you, form you until you reach the fullness of holiness and Christ grows more and more in you for the greater glory of the Father.
Entering the ARCH OF MY HEART, you will be protected from this evil world that seeks at all times to swallow the souls of the elect, of those predestined of the Lord, to make even them lose themselves. Therefore, he who wants to escape from the general spiritual death that has now fallen upon the whole world, he who wants to escape from the fire of hell and from an eternity of indescribable torments, must enter the ARCH OF MY HEART to be guarded there, to be protected and defended by ME.
Against the ARCH OF MY HEART, the vagrants of the devil's temptations can do nothing.
Against the ARCH OF MY HEART even hatred, persecution, contempt of the world cannot make the souls kept inside MY HEART discourage.
Against the ARCH OF MY HEART the flood of sin that now submerges and swallows everything, cannot pluck the children, the souls that I have kept there, out of the interior of MY HEART.
Against the ARCH OF MY HEART, the world, the demon can do nothing.
Once the soul enters the ARCH OF MY HEART and is united to me there, it will never be lost! It will only condemn itself if it opens the door and throws itself out of the ARCH OF MY HEART, into the flood, into the sinful sea of this world. Otherwise, I will keep her, I will keep her there well warmed, well nourished, well protected and guarded from this world that has now finished being dominated by Satan and evil spirits.
He who cultivates the TRUTH OF DEVOTION FOR ME, the TRUE LOVE FOR ME, who is docile and obeys My Messages, will be able to be sure to always dwell in the ARCH OF MY HEART and be there guarded and safely taken by Me to the port of eternal salvation.
I invite you all to enter the ARCA DO MY HEART and set your home there. Say your yes to My call and I will place you in the depths of the ARCH OF MY HEART and from there you will never leave and together with Me you will sing the hymn of perfect love to the Lord. You will also give the world the true witness of children of the Lord, of children of Mary Immaculate, of My children, so that many souls may also enter the ARCH OF MY HEART and be saved.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you, because through them I will introduce you ever more into the ARCH OF MY HEART and there I will guard you, protect you, support you and nourish you.
To all, at this moment, I bless you generously".
(Great Pause)MARCOSS: "-Till soon!"