Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Message of Our Lady to Brother Valdemar of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

(Our Lady): My son, my Immaculate Heart desires to give you a new grace today, and for this reason I want your assent to grant you such a favor.
(Marcos): At this moment Our Lady sent me to ask Brother Valdemar of Saint Gabriel the following:
(Our Lady): "-Valdemar, My Chosen Son, do you accept that I give you a private Message every Wednesday, through which I will guide you along the path of holiness?
(Marcos): I turned to him and asked him what the Blessed Virgin Mary commanded me. Brother Valdemar from St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows answered yes and then the Lady continued:
(Our Lady): "-Son, from now on every Wednesday I will give you My Message guiding you along the path of love and holiness. My beloved Son, attentive to the fact that I have chosen you already in your mother's womb and I have showered you with graces all your life. And by choosing you to be My Slave of Love I have made you a grace of predilection and a distinction that many desired to have and did not have. To you I gave more than many generations calling you to my service and giving you the preference of my Immaculate Heart. You must therefore be happy and give thanks to the Lord for being more indulgent and kind to you than to many entire nations. Your name is engraved on my Immaculate Heart forever, and since yesterday I have kept you in a special place in my Immaculate Heart, and I am already preparing for you one of the addresses closest to my Throne in Heaven. From now on, every 28th of every month I will give you a plenary indulgence and particular blessings in memory of your religious vows. I bless you today with love and cover you with my mantle. Stay in the peace of the Lord, my beloved son".
(Marcos): The Mother of God gave this Message to Brother Valdemar of Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows through me during the Apparition at 6:30 pm. She was very happy, she blessed us by letting light rays of Her Hands come out on us and had the name of Brother Valdemar of Saint Gabriel of Sorrows written in golden letters on His Immaculate Heart. He made his final religious vows in the Order of the Little Slaves of the Mother of God the day before at the request of the Mother of God herself and solemnly professed his vows in her presence at her daily Apparition.