Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Message from the Loving Heart of St Joseph

(at night, After the Cenacle)
"...My children, today I bless you with my Love and hold you to my HEART. Just as the Ark was a refuge for Noah and his family, and so were they saved from the Flood, so will MY LOVE HEART be your refuge in these times of apostasy and wickedness. Therefore, come to Me who wants to keep you all in MY HEART to give you more and more Consolation, Strength, Love and Peace. Therefore, My children, do not waste any more time with vain things and consecrate yourselves totally to Me in order to be Mine and to live with Me and through Me always.
To all I bless with Love in this instant. Peace".