Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 11, 2012
154Th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Lourdes
Message from Our Lady

My dear children! Today when you celebrate the ANNIVERSARY OF MY FIRST APPARITION at the poor MASSABIELLE CROUP IN LOURDES, I come again as the IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION, to call you TO PRAYER, TO PENITHENCE, TO PURIFY THE SUMMERS AND TO RETURN TO THE LORD. You must follow Me along this path of purity, holiness, and goodness to which I have invited you in My APPARITIONS OF LOURDES, helping Me every day to carry out in yourselves the Plan of the Lord, His Holy Will, helping Me every day to achieve the greatest Triumph of goodness, love and truth in the hearts of all My children! Follow Me along the path of purity, prayer and love, which I have first of all invited my little daughter BERNADETTE, so that together with her you may walk every day along the path of fulfilling the will of the Most High, which is always the right path that leads to salvation, to eternal happiness and where you can truly enjoy the true peace of heart that exists only in a soul and heart that faithfully fulfills the will of the Lord every day and responds yes to His loving call. I have followed the path of purity, prayer and love that I pointed out to you in My Apparitions of Lourdes. Do this by renouncing yourselves every day, and above all, seeking to be the holy cities where the Lord, where I can always dwell and reign forever making your souls true caves of Massabielle where I your Mother can truly arise, shine powerfully just as I shone in the cave of Massabielle and just as in that My Grotto of Lourdes I made the Miraculous Fountain spring forth from the water that purifies, heals and saves the body and heart of so many of My children, So may I also in the cave of your heart, bring forth a fountain of life, a fountain of love, a fountain of grace and holiness that flows from your heart purifying the whole world from sin, washing it from so much filth that sin has produced in souls, families, society and hearts, and I may restore spiritual health to so many of My children who are wasting away in sin day after day, dying spiritually without hope of salvation.
If you go to this My Grotto of Massabielle by bringing to these My children the water of My Love, of My Messages, of Prayer, of a true example of life, I can truly purify this Earth and the souls of My children, giving them back the spiritual health they so much lack. Then, the cancer of sin will recede until it completely disappears from the face of the Earth, and through you I will be able to obtain in souls my greatest and most stupendous Triumph! My Shrine of Lourdes, true pupil, girl of my eyes, is the Shrine where I make shine already for more than 150 years, the power of my maternal love, the effective force of the Flame of my Immaculate Heart. It is where I unveil to the eyes of all my children the infinite tenderness of my Immaculate Heart and it is where I give you a sure sign, a pledge, a guarantee that in the end MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH!
In My Lourdes Sanctuary, in the life and work of My little daughter BERNADETTE and in the life of all My children who went to My SANTUARY OF LOURDES and gave their hearts to Me there, in all of them I make My maternal light shine, which in these times of great darkness and darkness of sin all over the world, shines like a beacon the light of My Heart to enlighten you on the way and lead you safely through the darkness to the luminous day of the TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART and the liberation of this world from Satan's slavery. This luminous day is already approaching you and is at the doors!
Today, from My SANTUARY OF LOURDES, I bless you generously. and also from FÁTIMA. from KERISINON. and from JACAREÍ. Peace My children! Go in the Peace of the Lord!
"-Dear brothers, I, BERNADETTE, with the MOTHER OF GOD also bless you today and bring you Peace! Walk on the path of true love, by which I, first of all you, have followed and walked, so that your life like mine may become a new song of love for the Lord, for the Mother of God, where all humanity can finally know the sweetness of God, the sweetness of Mary Most Holy, and in this sweetness find the love that saves, the love that transforms, the love that frees, the love that gives life, that lives and makes live.
Walk on the road of true love every day with me, praying the ROSARY as I prayed myself, praying all the prayers that the MOTHER OF GOD has given you here so that the seed of prayer, of holiness, of a taste for heavenly things may grow ever more in your souls day by day until it reaches fullness.
Be careful that your soul does not become an arid desert, but that it is always a flower garden of much prayer, of much meditation. Therefore, always run away more and more from easy commitments with the world that can consume too much of your time and thus kill in your soul the seed of spiritual life and holiness.
Seek as I did the recollection, the silence, the meditation, the interiorization, so that your souls may be dewed every day by that heavenly dew, which is piety, which is fervor, which is love that only descends, dew that only descends on the flowers of souls that open like the morning flowers to the dew of Heaven.
In this way your souls will grow every day and become fragrant and luxuriant flowers of holiness, love and perfection for the greater glory of the Most High, for the greater exaltation of His Name and the greatest Triumph of the Blessed Virgin.
Walk on the path of true love, doing as I did. Carrying the Cross each day with Jesus and Mary, accepting and truly believing that true happiness is not in this world but in the next. And so offer with me every day the little crosses that the Lord allows you in an act of atonement for the sins by which he is offended and also in supplication for the conversion of sinners. So that in this way we can bar so much evil that is committed in the world every day and we can make good progress and triumph and the definitive victory of the Blessed Virgin be more hurried every day and become a reality in peoples, in families, in souls, in all humanity!
I deeply love this place! It is like My second grotto at Lourdes. Here I am always praying at the feet of the Mother of God as I prayed in the Grotto of Massabielle and as I remain until today invisibly, spiritually in the Grotto of Massabielle, praying for all those who go to LOURDES, to the SANTUARY OF LOURDES, I also remain here, praying for all the pilgrims, who come to this place to pray with love so that in everyone the grace of God, love, holiness, good and Peace may grow! I am with you every day of your lives! I love you, I bless you and in your sufferings I am closer to you than you can imagine! Today, from the Shrine of Lourdes and my Incorrupted Body in Nevers, I pour upon you abundantly the blessings of the Most High, the blessings of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Immaculate Conception of the Grotto of Massabielle, the Lady of my life".