Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Shrine of the Apparitions
Message from Mary Most Holy

( Lecture by Seer Marcos Tadeu 15/01/2012)
Anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady in Banneaux-Belgium, to seer elected Mariette Becco in 1933
Watch also the Wonderful Film of this Apparition - Voices from Heaven 5 - that will help you to understand more clearly the Message you will read next.
(Marcos: ) "May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever".
"Yes, dear Madam!"
" - My beloved children, today, when you celebrate the ANNIVERSARY OF MY FIRST APPARITION IN BANNEAUX , My little daughter MARIETTE BECCO, I come again from Heaven to tell you:
I have come to relieve suffering. Pray a lot! Believe in Me and I will believe in you!
Trust in My Messages, obey My Messages, believe in My Messages and then, when I see true fruits of conversion and holiness in your life, I will believe in you, I will realize in you great graces from My Immaculate Heart and I will recognize you for My true children, worthy of My Love, worthy of My Mercy, worthy of My help and my help!
Live in such a way that you are truly like my little daughter Mariette Becco was: obedient, docile, ready, persevering, generous, courageous, truly God-fearing, loyal, faithful and completely, completely full of love for Me.
Be that way! As My little daughter Mariette was so that I may truly delight in you, rejoice in you, rest in you, be glorified in you by your works of love.
I have come to Banneaux to call My children all over the world to an ever more ardent, profound, pure prayer, made with Me and through Me, that all can attain from the Lord even the conversion of the hardest of heart. That is why I made the conversion of My little daughter Mariette Becco's father, to show to the whole world that Mariette's prayers, together with Mine, achieved the conversion of her father who had been away from God and Me for so long.
That's why, little children, I followed confidently in praying many Rosaries a day like my little daughter Mariette, who even prayed six Rosaries a day for My love in the midst of snow, rain and cold.
Pray! Do penance! And in this way I will be able to convert a true multitude of souls from My poor children who are in mortal sin and who need the help of your prayers in order to be saved.
My Heart, My Motherly Love, wants to reach out to those My children who are farthest away, most victimized by Satan in these times of great apostasy. So I ask you: Pray a lot! Go from each one at home. Praying, doing the Cenacles I have sent you! so that through your prayer, your intercession, your example, My Messages that you must bring WITHOUT Fear to all My children, I may convert them, I may bring them back into the arms of My Son Jesus as I did with the father of My little daughter Mariette Becco and with so many sinners that in Banneaux, Over the years, they have found me, opened their hearts to my grace and through them, I have been able to lead so many and so many souls back with themselves, to the Heart, to the Sacrament of my Son Jesus. .
I came to Banneaux to teach the world how to do PENITENCE, so I submitted My little daughter Mariette to a test of penance, not appearing to her for many days, leaving her to pray alone, on her knees in the snow and in the cold, so that together with prayer and penance she could achieve the conversion of so many sinners and so, from Banneaux, from My little daughter Mariette, I could give the world an example of prayer, of perseverance, of faithfulness to My love and of true penance.
Thus, in Banneaux, you learn to be as poor in spirit as I was, as My little daughter Mariette was.
You learn to detach yourselves from all that still enslaves you, to detach yourselves from God and from Me, to drag you into the dust of the earth of vices, the spiritual prisons of this world where creatures drag you away from God and where all those who have despised God's love, who have despised My love, who make you free to prefer the love of creatures, lie captive. That under the false appearance of 'setting you free from God and his commandments', you become slaves to sin, to the world, to yourselves and to Satan.
How great is your spiritual misery in these times My children! How great and vast is your slavery!
By proclaiming your 'independence' your liberation from God, His commandments and the Catholic faith, you have become slaves to Satan, slaves to all that human nature has of the lowest, the most vile, the most cruel and violent. Therefore, the men of this time are the most inhuman, the most impure, the most disloyal, the most dishonest, the most violent, the most bloodthirsty, and they give vent to every kind of baseness that Satan inspires and suggests to them.
I have come to call you from Banneaux, from Jacareí, from Medjugorje, from El Escorial to have a heart like mine, poor of the attachments of this world, poor of the material slavery of this world to have your heart filled with the treasures of grace, love and wisdom of God.
In Banneaux, as here, as in Lourdes, as in El Escorial and elsewhere, I have blessed a Source for you, to ease your suffering! A Source for all Nations, to convert sinners.
In these My Blessed Sources, I grant you all kinds of graces. We shower upon you all kinds of favors and blessings from my Heart for body and soul.
Those who trust in Me, those who believe that I have blessed these Fountains and who truly trust in My Word find in these waters that I have blessed all relief for their suffering, all peace for their souls, all good, all medicine, for the evils of that time.
Those who do not trust Me, those who do not seek Me who do not seek My Mercy in My Apparitions, in the Fountains that I have blessed in these Sacred Places, remain desperate, bitter, afflicted, they continue truly without knowing where to go.
Proof of a great lack of faith in Me is the recourse to other things, places and people to have relief in their sufferings, to find the answer to their problems, when in the place of My Apparitions Here, in Banneaux, in El Escorial, in Lourdes, in Fatima, in La Salette and in so many places, I have given the SOURCE OF THE GRACES OF MY HEART where you receive all the blessings, all the help from Heaven and from my Immaculate Heart.
Come to me with confidence! Drink this Water with confidence and I will always give you more peace, grace, love, joy!
I have come to Banneaux to call all My children to be part of My great army, of My great plan of salvation which now, Here, in these Apparitions of Jacari, is to be carried out and its full and perfect fulfillment.
THE TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL BE IN BRIEF and Banneaux itself is the proof that I and my Immaculate Heart will triumph over all unbelief, over all skepticism, indifference, coldness and opposition of atheistic men to Myself and to my plan of salvation.
MY IMMACULATE HEART HAS NOW KNOWN DEFINITIVE DERROST FOR SATANAS, and that is why soon My Foot will crush you, step on your head and the whole world will come out of the great slavery in which you live to know a new era of peace, grace, divine love and holiness.
To you, My children, I ask only docility, complete obedience to My Messages, trust and hope in My Immaculate Heart. Just as I have never abandoned my little daughter Mariette Becco throughout her life, I will never abandon you! I will always be with you My children!
You already have your names engraved on my Immaculate Heart and soon the Mother of Heaven will bring you a new life and a new time that humanity has never seen nor ever known.
I am with you in all your sufferings, I cover you with My Cloak and I will always be attentive to the voice of your supplications.
I love you all very much, all of you who have stayed here all these hours praying, meditating, listening to the Meditations of my little son Marcos, through the mouth of which I have spoken to your hearts, I have illuminated your souls this day.
Upon all of you now descends My generous Blessing of BOHAN, BANNEAUX and JACAREÍ.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord My children. Peace to you Marcos, the most striving and dearest of My children".
(Marcos:) "Yes My Lady! I have already started it and I would like you to tell me if you have something special that you want me to put in it". (pause) "See you soon!"
The Apparition ends, the slaves ring the bells in reverence of the Most Beautiful Lady in Heaven.