Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Communicated to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in the Chapel of the Sanctuary of the Apparitions of Jacareí/Sp
Messages from Our Lady Queen of Angels and the Angel Bruniel

"- My children, today you commemorate the feast of your holy angels of war. The Guardian Angel guides you, protects you, enlightens you, leads you every day ever more along the path of goodness, grace, holiness and the fulfillment of the will of the Lord. Let yourselves be led by them, for there is no man happier than the one who lets himself be led by his ANGEL OF THE GUARD and follows his inspirations.
Oh! At the moment you were facing good and evil, sin and virtue, you felt the call of your ANGEL OF THE GUARD, who through your conscience impelled you to reject sin and choose virtue. In this way, my children, you can identify at all times the motions that your ANGEL OF THE GUARD gives you to move ever further away from all that is contrary to the will of the Lord, to lead you ever more to what pleases Him. Be docile to these motions! Let yourselves be led by your ANGEL OF THE GUARD along the road that I pointed out to you here so many years ago, which is that of CONVERSION, PRAYER, PENITENESS and SUNITY.
When you pray your ROSARY every day, your ANGEL OF THE GUARD prays with you, unites your prayer with His and offers everything to the Lord, for your sanctification and your salvation. Therefore, PRAY THE ROSARY more and more with the ANGELS, always being aware that your ANGEL OF THE GUARD is praying with you, and therefore you must put all the diligence of your heart into prayer.
Your ANGEL OF THE GUARD knows you better than you know yourselves, knows your weaknesses, knows your inclinations to evil, knows all the defects that are in you. And that is why He always comes to your help bringing you the blessing of GOD, bringing from GOD to you all the necessary graces that you need, to be stronger than your corrupted nature, than the sin that is in you, so that you can be truly victors of yourself, of the flesh and of the world.
Your ANGEL OF THE GUARD also knows your inclinations for good, your virtues. That is why they always inspire you, always move you to try to do good, to try to put Christian virtues into practice, always try to incline you to holy works. So that each day you can grow more and more in the virtues, stimulating in you the practice of good.
Get carried away! Let yourself be led by the gentle inspirations that your ANGEL OF THE GUARD gives you. So that in this way, the divine PLAN OF LOVE OF THE LORD can always happen more and more in your lives!
I AM THE RAIN OF THE ANGELS, and I have sent them all to guard you, to protect you and to lead you. The Celestial Army fights beside you against all the forces of evil, of My adversary, who in those times went out to conquer the whole world to seduce it and take it away from GOD. You, with My ANGELS OF LIGHT, fight against My adversary and all the forces of darkness, spreading ever more the light of My love throughout the world.
Go forth my children! Go forward and do not be discouraged because beside you fight the ANGELS OF THE LORD who valiantly fight with you day and night for the victory of good, for the victory of my IMMACULATE HEART and of your hearts together with Me.
Continue to pray all the prayers that I have given you Here, for through them not only will the greatest TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART be fulfilled in your life and in the world, but also the TRIUMPH OF THE HOLY ANGELS in you, in your families and in the whole Earth.
To all at this moment I bless you with Love".
"- Marcos, I, BRUNIEL bless you today and I bless all these My brothers.
Dearly beloved! I am one of the Angels of the Lord, of the Angels of the Lady Queen of Angels who loves you so much, who protects you, who covers you with His wings to protect you from all evil and to lead you on the path of good.
We the Angels are with you daily, although you will not see us. We surround you with Our wings and Our shields, to protect you from all the onslaughts of Satan.
In the difficult times of suffering, trial and tribulation we stand by your side to gather your tears, to present them before the Throne of the Lord in order to obtain for you mercy and grace.
We are at your side continually when you are crushed by the weight of the cross, of suffering. And when you are fallen on the path of Calvary, We with Our Love help you to rise and carry your cross with patience, every day of your life until the victorious resurrection that awaits you at the end of your earthly journey.
What good Samaritans, We often collect you fallen by the side of the road, pour balm on your inner spiritual wounds and often even on your physical ills, relieve you of your sufferings, give you new consolation, strength and encouragement. And we put you on your feet more and more to continue your battle, with the Lady dressed in the sun against the infernal dragon and his army who want to dominate all the earth in these times.
Yes, by healing you, strengthening you, encouraging you, helping you every day, we advance with you ever more toward the Triumph, from the definitive victory of the Lady's Heart dressed in the Sun to VIRGIN MARY, over the whole world.
Let Us lead you! Let yourselves be led by us on the path of Love, so that each day we may move you ever further along the path of Christian perfection and the exemplary practice of all the virtues.
Use the MEDAL OF THE LADY OF THE WORDS with more love!
We the Angels protect all who wear this Medal that the Mother of God revealed to her Servant AMALIA AGUIRRE, as well as we protect all who wear the MEDAL that she revealed Here the HOLY PEACE MEDAL, the MYLAGROSE MEDAL, and all the others. Wherever these MEDALS come We, the HOLY ANGELS, will be there, with Our Love, with Our presence, comforting, comforting, healing and rebuilding all that Satan has wounded, demolished, destroyed and devastated. Our Love will surround the people who use these SANTAS MEDALS as a force field, as a circle of protection that will never allow the enemy to prevail over the soul who uses these SANTAS MEDALS.
I, am with you every day and I protect you more and more with my prayers, with my supplications and with my blessing.
To all, at this moment I bless you with all my love and generosity".