Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Message of Mary Most Holy Queen and Messenger of Peace

My beloved children, today you celebrate another month of my apparitions Here in this city, with my Son Jesus, with St. Joseph, with the heavenly court, to call you ever more to prayer, to conversion, to penance, to live a true life in God.
Here, where the HOLY SPIRIT himself came to give Messages with Me, you are called to turn to the Holy Spirit and be His TRUTH, PERFECT and PURE TEMPLE OF LOVE, making your life truly bear all the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in the heart of those who possess Him for greater joy, for greater joy, and for greater glory of Him.
THERE ARE THE TEMPLE TRUTHS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, opening your hearts to Him. Letting Him act in you completely, so that your heart of a swamp of sin and darkness may become a bright, flowery and fragrant garden of all virtues, so that the Lord may entertain you, the Holy Spirit may dwell in you as in his little earthly Paradise. And so, in you, may all the fruits of love, beauty, grace and holiness that He wants to bring forth in you.
Be the true temples of the Holy Spirit, renouncing yourselves, leaving more and more your will aside to do so, the will of the Lord. In this way, the Holy Spirit will find no rival or obstacle in you, and His grace will burst POWERFULly into your hearts as a source of life. And so, not only your souls, but the souls of so many of your brethren will be transformed from an arid, cold, and lifeless desert into another garden of grace, beauty, and love.
Without your renunciation of yourselves, without dying to yourselves and truly leaving room for the Holy Spirit to act within you, you cannot be reborn of water and spirit, as My Son Jesus said in the Gospel (Jn 3:5). And so, the Holy Spirit will not be able to perform in you the holy works that He did in all the saints, in the lives of all the saints of God who loved Him and who did not put resistance to His love.
Be the true temples of the Holy Spirit, fleeing from everything that contradicts the Holy Spirit, from all the sins that offend Him and renouncing in a special way all those sins that can be committed directly against the Holy Spirit, turning away from your souls and depriving you not only of His company and assistance, but also of the grace of Salvation. Especially the sin of the envy of the bounties and graces that the Holy Spirit makes to your neighbor. Not My children. Do not be jealous of those whom Heaven has chosen. From those whom the Holy Spirit has chosen and benefited, because this sin drives away the Holy Spirit, Contrast Him and deprive you of His friendship!
I invite you rather to praise the Lord. To thank the Holy Spirit who favors those who want, how they want and where they want for His greater glory, and who accomplishes wonderful works that the Lord has always done, throughout the history of humanity. He continues the same. He has never changed! He continues resisting the proud and giving His grace to the humble. He continues revealing His Wonders to the little ones and hiding these wonders from the wise, the understanding, from those who think they know everything and take positions as professors of God. Yes My children, God continues to act in littleness to show the power of His Love and of His Arm.
Renounce all that contradicts the Holy Spirit. Renounce everything that offends God. Flee from sin and the devil will also flee from you. Resist evil and evil will flee from you!
I have been here for so long, to help you overcome all evil, all sin, all personal misery of each one so that you, living free as true children of God, not enslaved to evil nor to any sin, may sing with me the perfect hymn of love and praise to the Lord.
I have come to prepare the SECOND PENTECOST. Just as I prepared the Apostles to receive the Holy Spirit the first time, I am here to prepare the Apostles of the Last Times, who are you, to receive the Holy Spirit the second time. HE WHO WILL COME TO RENEW HEAVEN AND EARTH. FOR THE END OF THIS THREE TIME IN WHICH YOU LIVE, THIS THREE TIME IN WHICH YOU LIVE WHICH GOD IS NO MORE LOVED, His Name, His Commandments, His Law of Love are vilified, disobeyed, attacked and denied ever more by this humanity that has lost all sense of the Divine, of the spiritual, of God.
I come My children to smooth the way for the Lord who comes. To prepare the way for the Holy Spirit, who comes to you full of love, returning to you as Love.
Therefore, following the example of the Apostles, FORM YOU FORM ME. Let yourselves be prepared by Me. Listen to My counsel, pray with Me as He always prayed more and more, doing the Cenacles of prayer that I have commanded you to do, both in your own homes and in the homes of your neighbor, so that in this way My children, I may lead you all together with Me, to meet the Holy Spirit who comes as devouring fire to consume all things in His fire, reduce to ashes all sin, all work of sin and to make that even you, can be definitely purified as gold is purified in the crucible and so, you can rise as more pure gold, more beautiful and more luminous for greater joy, and glory of the Lord, of the Holy Spirit.
I am with you every day. You should fear nothing because My Heart is always with you.
Do not fear the sufferings, your daily cross. Always use Me more. Seek help in My Heart and you will feel My love, you will feel My presence, you will feel that I carry you in My arms and lead you ever more safely to God.
To everyone today, on the monthly anniversary of My apparitions Here in Jacareí , in this place so beloved of Me, so beloved of Me and who is the girl of My eyes I bless you all with Fatima, BANNEUX and JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved children. Peace Marcos, the most hard-working of My children!"