Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Message of Mary Most Holy

My children, today when you commemorate the day of My Holy Father, Joachim and Anne, I invite you to imitate the burning love that they possessed for the Lord.
Love the Lord as Joaquim and Ana did, serving Him every day with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, seeking always to give the best of yourselves in His service, fulfilling His commandments with love and giving Him glory with your life always more in accordance with His holy will.
Love the Lord as Joaquim and Ana loved, putting all your life at the service of the Lord, living always more a true life in Him, and having as the only purpose of all your actions and works to please the Lord and make Him more known and loved of all creatures. In this way, you will become a perfect hymn of love to the Lord and you will be a sign of His love on earth.
Love the Lord as Joaquim and Ana loved, living always in deep prayer, in continuous intimacy with the Lord for the perfect union of your souls and your lives with Him, as My holy parents did, so that you may be transformed into true seraphim of love from whom the incense of love rises every day in pure transformation to the throne of the Lord to content Him, to please Him and to give Him the highest glory. In this way, you will truly be perfect copies of My holy parents in regard to the love they nurtured for God every day and you will be loved by Him with special predilection and tenderness.
I am with you every day and I never leave you. I am your Heavenly Mother and I want to lead you to Heaven, to complete holiness. Let yourselves be carried in my motherly arms and I will lead you to heaven.
With my Holy Parents, Joaquim and Ana, to all of you at this moment I generously and especially bless you, Marcos, ardent devotee of my Holy Parents and spiritual son so dear to them. Peace".