Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Message of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph

Dear children My! My LOVING HEART blesses you again and gives you Peace.
My LOVING HEART is for you the always safe shelter. Therefore, My children, fear nothing. In times of suffering remember Me and My Messages, and your heart will immediately calm down, calm down and have peace.
Can a child despair knowing that His Father sees him, watches over him, watches over him and has the power to help him and to free him from all suffering? Well, you have this Father My children, who am I. In My Hands the Most High has placed all His possessions, all His possessions, therefore I have in My Hands all the graces of the Most High to be able to pour out on each one of you, to guide you, to protect you, to watch over you, to lead you safely to the port of salvation.
As I have already said to you: Between you and the devil, between you and the world, between you and suffering is placed My Cloak, like a wall, like a barrier of light. Evil will not be able to advance against you any further than that which has already been determined by the Most High and by Me. My Cloak stops the evil! You must pray only and pray very much, so that the more evil recedes into the world and souls may have the grace to find my Heart full of love for them, and through my Heart to find the love of God and the love of the Most Holy Virgin.
My Heart is your home, so you must always seek to live in Me, to remain in Me. I don't care about your sins and your miseries, I don't demand from you a perfection consummated from the beginning to give you shelter in My Heart. I want only trust! I want only docility to My voice! I only want you to let yourselves be carried by Me, so that I can take you safely along the path that is your life on earth, until I deliver you safely into the arms of Jesus and Mary.
The more you trust in Me, the more I will carry you serenely in My arms toward God!
The more you love Me the more I will love you! The more you give yourself to Me the more I will give all of My love to you!
I like to give myself entirely to those souls who give themselves entirely to me as well, and to those souls I don't usually deny anything, everything they ask of me is always according to my will and to give me greater joy, taste and satisfaction. Therefore, I like to favor those souls, the little souls, the souls who throw themselves into My arms like the little child on Your Father's arm to this soul, My Heart usually favors them greatly, and the limit is simply the limitless, that is, I grant everything to those souls who trust in My goodness.
My love for you My children is so great, that not all the wisdom of the Angels, the Archangels, and the blessed can understand it all. Only in Paradise will you understand how much I have loved you, how much I have loved you, how much good I have done for you!
Come to My Heart always! This Heart that I have shown you here is inflamed, burning with love like a sun, which almost explodes, spreading flames throughout the universe. So that in this way My children, I may always fill you with My love, fill you with My Peace, fill you with My grace.
The Most High has entrusted you to Me. The Most High has given you to Me so that I may protect you. The Lord has given you to Me and given Me to you. Therefore, what God has joined together, let men not separate. Therefore, children, come to Me who is closely united to you at all times, conform your will to Mine, so that at last My Plan of Love may be fulfilled in the lives of you all.
Continue praying My HOLY HOUR of Prayer every Sunday, through it I imprint My sign on your soul, I pour on you many blessings and many graces, I drive away from you and your families many evils, I drive away from the world many punishments, I diminish the influence of Satan in your life and I neutralize his plans to lose your souls.
Continue with My HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER, through it a great and generous shower of blessings descends from Heaven every Sunday over the entire Earth!
To all at this moment, I generously bless you with all the effective graces of my Most Loving Heart".