Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Feast of the Annunciation of Mary Sanctity
Message from Our Lady

-My children! Today, when you are still celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation, when you are still celebrating the Feast of my Yes, I, the Lady of the Yes, the Mother of God, invite you once again to give your complete, total, generous and loving 'Yes' to the Lord through Me, in imitation of my Yes and as if to become an echo of my own Yes, a continuation of my own maternal Yes on Earth.
Be an echo of My Yes, be a continuation of My Yes on Earth by giving your complete 'yes' to the Lord, renouncing your will and accepting His, throwing out of your heart everything that still holds you, enslaving you to the things of the Earth. So that you may be completely free and love the Lord as I have loved, with all the vehemence of your heart, will and soul, with all your strength, with all your ardor and all your zeal. That in this way, in imitation of my own Mother Yes you, My children, may be the perfect continuation of My Yes and of My Love over the whole earth.
Be the echo of My Yes, be the continuation of My Yes on Earth, living ever more as I have lived: in deep, total and perfect prayer. Living ever more immersed in divine transcendence, searching ever more for all that is heavenly and leaving aside and behind all that is purely earthly, all that is purely animal and that makes you ever more crawl on the earth wallowing in the mud of vices, of the satisfaction of your sensitive appetites. So that, flying ever higher like swift eagles, you may reach the highest peaks of holiness to which I call you and to which I desire to lead each one of you.
Be the echoes of My Yes, be the continuation of My Yes on Earth, doing what I have done: completely forgetting your plans to accept the Lord's plans. Although My plans were always to do the will of the Lord and not Mine, I thought I would continue in the Temple as a consecrated Virgin of the Lord, without ever becoming a Mother, and when the will of the Most High was manifested to Me, I readily gave up My will to do the will of the Lord, even in spiritual matters, even in matters concerning the soul. I desire the same thing from you My children, a perfect, complete and total docility to the Lord and to Me, so that in everything and for everything you renounce your will to do the will of the Lord, which is always infallible, certain and victorious.
I am with you all the days of your life, if you are the continuation of My Yes on earth, if you are the echo of My Yes on earth, truly I can make My Grace reach the hearts of My farthest children and bring them close to My Heart, to also teach them to give their 'yes' to the Lord, for the greatest, most perfect and complete glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
When you obey My Messages, when you spread My Messages with the word and with life, you become the continuation of My Yes, the continuation of My Mother Yes, you are the echo of My Mother Yes on earth, and in you then the will of the Lord can be fulfilled without obstacle, delay, or imperfection.
Therefore I say to you, little children, continue following the road to which I have called you, to which I have invited you here, so that in this way your life may truly become the continuation of the Song of Love of the Heavenly Mother, who in every moment keeps repeating her Motherly Yes to the Lord throughout the ages and centuries, and also to you, my children whom I love so much and want to save.
Hurry up your conversion! The punishments are happening before your eyes and you keep sleeping in the sleep of your indifference, thinking that you will still live on this earth forever.
Wake up My children while you can still awaken and open yourself to the Sun of God's love like sunflowers who always seek the light of the sun, to be turned to it. I desire that your hearts and souls do the same: that they turn ever more to the sun of God's love, while it is still shining and lets itself be seen, felt, found by you!
Move quickly! This is a time of grace, unique, given to you. Enjoy it by opening your heart, obeying all the Messages I have given you and letting yourself be guided docilely by Me, so that I may bring you to more consummate holiness.
Time is short and soon the great Warning for humanity will come, many will die in the Warning, it will seem that Heaven will be on fire, the bodies of many will also seem to be on fire as they see their whole life spent without God, the evil they have done and the good they could have done and did not do because they had a bad will or were languished. Many will die burning in these flames, in these flames of Divine Justice, in this fire that God will ignite in the soul, in that moment when the soul sees its life, its own existence with the eyes with which God sees you and many will die burning and burning in these flames that Divine Justice will ignite in the souls of all men at once and at the same time.
Woe to the languid soul! Woe to the deaf soul at My voice! Woe to that soul who knew what I wanted of her and did not do what I wanted. These souls will suffer as much despair as there has never been since the world existed.
Therefore, I ask you little children to free yourselves from the great pain that sinners will suffer within you at that moment, live a holy life as I have asked of you and as I have pleaded with you here that you should have and live.
I am with you always! Keep on saying all the prayers I have sent you, because through them: I purify you, I free you always more from yourself, I fill you always more with the taste for the things of Heaven and I help you always more to deplore that which is vile, that which is illusory and passing of this Earth. And I make you always more take the form of my Immaculate Heart by moulding your heart according to mine.
To all of you at this moment I generously bless, from NAZARÉ, BELÉM and JACAREÍ.
Peace My beloved little children!"