Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Anniversary of the Acquisition of the Sanctuary of Jacareí
Message from José's Loving Heart

Dear children My! My LOVING HEART blesses you this afternoon and says to you with love: Great is the favor He did to the world by giving you this Place, this Holy Place, this Shrine of the Apparitions so many years ago and whose Feast you are celebrating today.
Yes, on the day that this Place was finally acquired and consecrated to Our Sacred Hearts so many years ago, there was a great Feast of Heaven, there was great joy among the souls in Purgatory, and there was great exultation in the Shrine of the Most Holy Trinity. For finally here the Blessed Virgin could definitely make Her Throne and here she could pour out in a more copious way Her Graces and the Graces of the Most Holy Trinity to all Her children.
Great grace resides in this Place and even many Saints of the past have known it in the hidden and divine mysteries of the Lord. How many martyrs would want to endure a thousand more martyrdoms than they did, just so that they could have the grace to see the day of this place, that is, to have been born in this time so that they could be here in this Holy Place listening to Our Messages. And yet they did not have this grace. This grace was reserved for you, who so ungratefully forget this Place, despise this Place, do not love and do not value this Place by putting it first in your hearts, coming here to visit Us and pray to Us in every free moment you can. You are not able to make sacrifices to walk here to pray, to be here with You in prayer, in continuous meditation, so that We may fill your hearts with the light of Heaven and with the wisdom of the Most High.
How ungrateful you are My Children! How wicked you are! How unhappy are you who do not see, who do not understand how great is the grace that resides in this Place that lets itself be found, that is revealed to the pure of heart, to those who have true love, to those who have true thirst for God, for His Word and for the knowledge of eternal truth.
How wicked, how ungrateful you are My children! You do not love this Place because you do not love Us. You do not love this place very much because you do not love Our Three Sacred Hearts, because those who truly love us love this place that we have chosen and that we have chosen and that is like the extension of Our Three Sacred Hearts, that is Our new Nazareth, that is our second Heaven, Our second Paradise, Our second Throne.
The One who puts us first also puts this Place and everything that refers to Him. Therefore, he who truly loves Us with all the forces of his heart, takes an interest in the problems of this Place, worries about them, prays to solve them, fasts to prevent Satan's attacks on this Place and to obtain new bounties for Him, for those who work in Him.
Those who truly love Us live with their hearts Here, always, even when they tend to be absent for work. This is how it is when two people love each other, even when one tends to go to work he is continually united in his thought to be loved, so that he never separates from him. In such a way, so too is he who loves Us. He who loves us is always with his gaze, with his thought, with his heart turned towards this Holy Place, where We teach souls and the world the perfect way of supernatural love, of love in pure transformation, of truth, grace, holiness and peace!
Here, Our Sacred Hearts United reside day and night and we are always open to grant the lights and riches of Our Grace to all those who want to receive them, just open your heart, just have faith, just have real thirst and hunger to know Our will, to renounce themselves and do what We want, which We ask in Our Messages. Therefore My children, open your hearts today to praise and thank God for having given you this great grace that is this Our SANTUARY OF APPARITIONS, that as I said before, many martyrs would want to suffer a thousand martyrs to spend one day here. But this grace was not given to them but to you and how little love you have for this holy place.
How ungrateful of you!
What a difference between the saints and you!
They endured all the labors and sufferings that were presented to them in order to remain united with God and to have the hope that one day they would hear the voice of the Lord, know- Face to face and you My children without passing through death, without passing through martyrdom, you have received the grace here to hear Our messages transmitted by the mouth of Our servant Marcos, to know Our eternal truth without having to die in order to know it there in the eternal Arcanes of Heaven. And yet how ungrateful are you, My children! How wicked are you My children! How cold and indifferent are you My children! How heartless and brutal are you My children!
That is why so often Our Hearts are pierced by sharp swords that cause Us so much pain, so much! Because your hearts are colder than blocks of ice, harder than marbles, than granites and so often more brutal than beasts.
I ask you, My children, to truly raise to the Lord today the true and sincere hymn of gratitude to His kindness in giving you this Place to pray, to meditate and to spend so many hours in union with You, to have the Cenacles, to have Our Messages, so that your Messages could be saved and thus be taken away from the road that led you to Hell, where you walk before in quick steps.
Thus, My children, God will rejoice with you, take pleasure in you, and seeing the gratitude that wells up in your hearts, He will pour out upon you even greater and more abundant bounties of His Love, revealing to you even more His will, His will, revealing to you more and more His holy will, which makes you true children and servants of the Most High.
My Heart will be with you to help you, to thank and bless the Lord, to do the will of the Lord always, to help you more and more to die for yourselves and to live for God and in God.
My LOVE HEART will always continue to be the radiant sun that will illuminate your path so that you never fall into any abyss, any precipice.
Here in this Place our Hearts shine more than a thousand lamps, a thousand suns together. And whoever has true hunger, thirst, true love for Us, those who truly want to love Us and give their heart to Us, this one will have Our Light, this one will let himself be guided by Us and his steps will no longer be wavering and wandering, but they will be alive, they will be firm, strong, decisive, and swift towards holiness.
In this place where Our Hearts rest, rest, every soul will be able to find rest with Us too, just open your heart, just call us with faith, just want to join Us by first renouncing yourself, so that in your heart there is room for Our Grace to act. Then the union, the meeting, the fusion of Our Hearts will take place and We will be one in Love. And this soul will overflow with peace as the rivers overflow in the flood.
To all my dear children, who love this Place, who care for Him, who pray for Him, who fast for Him, who sacrifice themselves for Him, who consume their strength for Him, who dedicate their whole lives for His good, at this moment I bless you with the abundant graces of my Most Loving Heart. And especially to you Marcos, the most hard working, the most dedicated of My children for this Place, the most sacrificed for this Place, the one who works the most for this Holy Place, which is the pupil of Our Eyes, which is the intimate fiber of Our Sacred Hearts. On you, at this moment, I pour a river of blessings".