Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

My beloved and dear children! My motherly love again today comes to you to give you peace, to give you my blessing and to fill your hearts with the holy love of the Lord.
My Immaculate Heart trembles with love for you My children! I have told you this here hundreds of times, thousands of times. But you still resist My love, closing the door of your hearts to My love and refusing to accept My love into your lives.
Very true, that if you had truly accepted My love, your lives would already have been totally transformed into what My Immaculate Heart so desires to transform them. And that I have shown you during all my Apparitions and Messages here and that it is the sign of him who truly lives immersed in God's love. He who lives in this way loves God, knows Him, lives with Him, does everything for Him, gives himself totally to Him and lives united to Him deeply in heart, soul, will and life.
I invite you, therefore, to accept My love, to let My love transform you into those mystical roses: fragrant with divine charity, goodness, generosity and self-giving to the Lord. So that with this spiritual beauty of yours, I can make My own beauty, My own goodness and My love, the perfume of My love be felt by all the souls of the world through you and through you.
I love you so much! I love you so much! I love you so much! And I want to transform you into great saints.
For this reason I am here, that is why My apparitions have been here for almost 20 years, so that My Immaculate Heart may transform you into great saints, into great mystical roses of love, of perfection, of virtue and of divine charity, for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the exaltation of His holy Name.
Renounce vanities, envy, greed for spiritual gifts and the material goods of your neighbor. Renounce pride. Renounce lust. Renounce everything that prevents you from being completely of God and from living in His love.
You are totally Christ's! He gave His life for you and redeemed you at the price of His most precious Blood and I with My sufferings and Tears of Blood cooperated for this redemption of yours. Since you have been redeemed at such a high price, I ask you My children:
Correspond to this so great love of God and also of Mine for you and give your hearts to Me so that they may belong totally to God and to Me. So that We may make Our dwelling in them and so that We may lead you ever more to that true life in God to which I have called you here for 20 years.
Receive My love! Accept My love! Pray! Pray many Rosaries! Have hope! The world is not yet totally lost. With your prayers I can perform great miracles in souls and in the world, in families and in hearts, in peoples and in society. With your prayers My children, evil is detained, neutralized and annihilated and good triumphs ever more in the hearts of those My children, who are most in danger of condemnation and most in need of My help and maternal help. Therefore, pray more and more. Pray always with greater trust and hope! I am seeing every prayer that springs from your hearts. I welcome into my heart all the prayers that come out of your hearts and lips and I present everything to my divine Son, so that he may have mercy on all of you and come to the aid of humanity.
Our united prayers are very pleasing to the Lord and very well received by Him, that is why My little children:
Do not think about whether or not your prayers are being accepted, or do or do not have effect. Do not think about it! Do not let the enemy sow doubts in your prayer. Pray. Pray always more. The strength of your prayer is not in you, but in Me! If you do it with Me, if you pray with Me, if you pray in My spirit, for My intentions and for what I ask of you. Your prayer is extremely powerful, because it is united to Mine and My prayer can do everything with My divine Son.
I have shown this to you in the Holy Word of God and I have shown it to you in your own life so many times!
That is why little children: PRAY! PRAY! KEY! Prayer is the salvation of the world. Prayer is your salvation, the salvation of your families. Prayer is the salvation of humanity. Believe firmly, as the Lord said in His Word:
'Believe firmly and then you and your family will be saved.
Believe firmly and then you and your family will be saved.
Pray, therefore, with love, with faith and my Immaculate Heart will perform great works of love in you!
Spread My Messages! Take My Messages! They are what will bring the grace of salvation and conversion to so many hearts. I count on you My children. Do not worry about anything, for the heavenly Mother is with you, watches over you, guards you and protects you ever more.
To all at this moment I bless Fatima, BEAURAING and JACAREI".
(The Seer Marcos Thaddeus asked us to pray this prayer, many times during the day this week that precedes the election of October 31, 2010)
This week let's make extra efforts for the victory of good in this election: