Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Message from Mary Most Holy

Dear children, once again I call you to peace, prayer and faith. There can be no peace where there is no prayer! Without prayer you lose peace easily and God walks away from you. Understand that without prayer you cannot remain united with God, nor can God also communicate His divine grace to your souls, He cannot accomplish in you what He desires, He cannot put His grace into action in you if you do not pray.
Prayer is irreplaceable.
Nothing, nothing can take the place of prayer, nothing can be compared to it.
Prayer is the benevolent water that makes the flower of their hearts grow, blossom and open. Only through prayer can you understand My Words, My Messages and what God wants to say to you at this time. That is why I have asked you for so much prayer, from my oldest Apparitions to my last Apparition here in Jacareí, because without prayer no one can have the life of sanctifying grace, no one can have the grace of the Holy Spirit at work in them, in themselves.
Only in prayer My children, can you grow strongly and constantly on the path of true love. I call you to imitate the love that my two little children, MAXIMINO and MELANIE de LA SALETTE, who loved Me and who suffered so much injustice for Me with such patience, generosity and forgetfulness of themselves. These two souls, these two My children, forgot themselves to such an extent that even they rejoiced in the cross of injustice, of the persecution that happened to them and offered everything as sacrifice and penance, for My love and for the salvation of men.
They understood very well that the torquise on the Saletino crucifix in My breast was this love, it was this generosity, it was this spirit of reparation, mortification and sacrifice that I came to ask of them first and then of you all. If you imitate them, if you follow them along this path of renunciation of yourselves and of your will, of contempt for the world and for what your own corrupt human nature so often asks of your soul, you will grow on the path of perfect obedience, fulfillment and fulfillment of My will and of My plans.
Never as today has My Message from LA SALETTE become current, urgent, and never as today is it necessary to be given a response, a response to the call of prayer, love, and generosity that I came to ask for on that very high mountain.
The world is getting worse and worse and is destroying itself because it has no love, no love for God, no true charity, divine charity. And because it does not have this divine charity, no one has love for his neighbor or for his neighbor. That is why everything is destroyed, families, nations, society, the church, souls. Only a return to true love can save this world that is moving further and further away from the origin of love and happiness: GOD!
I come to call all my children back to the Lord through my Immaculate Heart, which is a safe path, a safe refuge for those who seek God and to reach God.
I come to call my children to be the crowns of roses that I carry in my head, on my breast, on my Heart and on my feet: roses of love, of sacrifice, of penance, roses of generosity, roses of self-denial, roses of total and full self-giving to my Immaculate Heart.
Search more and more in deep prayer and meditation of My Messages for the true love that I ask of you and you will surely find it. Do not forget that My apparition on the high mountain of La Salette was to remind you that you in this world are passengers, your definitive land, your definitive port is not here in Heaven, so My children I ask you:
Do not cling to anything in this world and keep your eyes fixed on Heaven and that life that awaits you.
What I said here in the first years of the Apparitions I repeat again: Nothing on earth is more important than to aspire, to desire Heaven.
To all of you at this moment, I bless you generously".