Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Our Lady's Nativity Party
Message from Our Lady

(Marcos): Dear Madam congratulations on your Anniversary. Congratulations on my behalf and on behalf of everyone who is here!(Pause) Thank you Madam.
"Dear children, today when you still celebrate my Birthday, I invite you more and more to open yourself to my Love and let the light of my Birth flood your hearts with the Grace and Love of God.
Let the light of My Birth flood your hearts with the heavenly beatitude. So that you may live ever more for heavenly things, concerned to live continually united with the Lord, with Me, with the Saints and Angels of Heaven already savoring a little of that life, that happiness, that joy and that heavenly union in which we live there in Paradise with God, with the Throne of the Trinity.
Let the light of My Birth fill your souls with joy in those sad and difficult days of the great tribulation in which you already lived. May Satan not plunge you into sorrow, may the world not drown you in the sea of sorrow, in the ocean of sorrow and bitterness.
May the light of my birth fill your souls with holy joy, with heavenly joy. And in that joy and in that jubilation you will follow each day more and more in love, in prayer and in the certain hope that your newborn Mother has already defeated the forces of hell, has already decreed the right moment of the ruin of Satan, of his works, of his evil army and of his hosts (armies) present in the world. And that your Mother born for your salvation is the sure sign of the victory that awaits you soon.
Let the light of my birth fill your hearts with holy loves for God, for me, for all that is of the Lord, for all that is holy, for his word, for my word.
May My Birth fill your hearts with holy love for virtuous life, for meditation, for the continuous fulfillment of God's Commandments, in these times when the Lord's Commandments are so violated and constantly trampled underfoot. In this way you will live immersed in the light of my Immaculate Heart, which from the first instant of my Birth proclaimed without ceasing: the Glory of the Lord, the victory of His law, the victory of good over evil, the triumph of Christ over hell.
Let the light of my birth flood your lives with my peace, with my motherly grace, which preserves you from all evil, which frees you from all Satan's deception and makes you walk ever more surely, steadfastly and swiftly on the path of salvation, holiness, innocence and grace following the example of your newborn Mother.
Your newborn heavenly Mother is the sure sign of the Lord's immense love for all, because on this day of my birth he gave me to you as the Dawn of Redemption, the Dawn of Salvation, and the sure sign that the night of hell's darkness will never conquer the most living and powerful light of the Lord and of his grace.
At this moment with Love, I ask everyone to persevere in the Prayer of the Rosary and in all the Prayers that I have given you Here, to persevere in the obedience and in the spreading of My Messages, because My Immaculate Heart will still rescue many, many souls who are dominated by Satan and sin through you.
I hope in all of you, My children, I place My hope that you will not betray My Love Here, that you will not disappoint, that you will not defraud My so great hope!
Go ahead, walk! Walk on! Speak! Take My Treasures, My Graces, My Messages from this Place to all your country and the world!
Persevere in the Crusade of the Rosary, in the Prayer of the Thousand Hail Marys, because many Nations will be saved by these Prayers, including your Nation so wicked and dominated by sin and Satan.
To all at this moment I bless Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí.
Peace Marcos! May Peace be with all My children".
(Marcos): "How glad I am to see You again today, after so many years!
"-Dear My Brothers! I, DOMINGOS DE GUSMÃO, servant of the Rosary, apostle of the Rosary of Mary Most Holy, preacher of the Holy Word of the Lord, rejoice to be able to speak to you again Here, after so long my first Message.
Love the Rosary of Mary Most Holy, for through this Prayer you will surely reach Heaven, overcome all temptations, achieve all virtues, heal all your spiritual miseries and even your temporal ones, and your life will be filled with grace and mercy from the Lord.
Love the Rosary of Mary Most Holy, for through it the divine Mysteries will be revealed to you, that which the Lord has hidden for so many millennia from the wise and understanding of this world, secrets that He reveals only to the pure and humble of heart. You will understand the beauty of the Lord, His will concerning you, the most perfect way to fulfill His will and to fulfill the desire and the plan of the Lord upon you. Through the Rosary the magnificence will be shown to you, the glory of the Lord and your hearts will know things, will know eternal truths that even if you had studied the Catholic doctrine a thousand years, you would still not be able to understand such truths, such treasures, such wonderful things!
Love the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary and your soul will know as never how much God loved you, how much God did for you, how much He favored you with the power of His Arm and His Mercy, how generous and kind to you He sent you here: the Mother of God, St. Joseph, We the Saints and Angels and Himself coming here to give you these Messages for that Twenty Years already.
Love the Rosary, pray it with the Heart, meditating well on what it teaches you, what it transmits to you, what it provides and offers to you and you, truly, then you will reach the great wisdom and the great knowledge from above. I learned more from the Rosary that the Blessed Virgin gave me at the Apparition she made to me in Toulouse, than from the many years of study I spent before going out preaching to the world the eternal truths of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By the Rosary you will understand the ugliness of sin, by the Rosary you will understand how horrifying evil sin is in the eyes of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy, how much it causes death in your souls the spiritual death and how ugly, how terrible, evil and eternal this death is. Through the Rosary, you will understand how much you must flee from sin and how much you must seek the Divine Grace, the Grace of the Lord, in order to live ever more: in His Love, in His Friendship, in living with the Saints and the Angels in Heaven, in living with the Holy Spirit who dwells in your souls and who has made you temples of Him, where He wants to live with you day and night, filling you with His sanctifying Grace and leading you ever more to greater wisdom, greater understanding and greater love for heavenly things by God Himself.
I promise to help you with my prayers, with my protection, with my powerful action with you. I protect, guard, follow, accompany, defend all the devotees of the Rosary, all those who love the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin as I have loved, as Marcos loves, as the Seers of the Lady love. And all these will also have a part in My protection as Marcos has, as the Seers of the Lady have.
If you love the Rosary, if you let yourself be formed, led, guided by the Mother of God through the Rosary you will reach an imminent holiness, similar to the one I reached through the virtue of the Rosary of the Mother of God.
There is no problem, there is no evil from hell, there is no injustice or sin in the world, there is no difficulty or suffering that is stronger than the Rosary of the Mother of God, where the Hail Mary is contained, the foundation of the New Testament and the beginning of the Incarnation, where the Our Father is, the Prayer that sprang from the Heart of Jesus and the Glory to the Father, with which the Virgin Mary concluded the most beautiful, the most beautiful praise that a holy creature could raise to her Creator God. The 15 Mysteries of the Rosary contain the merits of Christ and the Virgin Mary, the virtue of the Cross, the Blood of Christ, the Tears and Sorrows of Mary Most Holy and St. Joseph and His merits. In the Mysteries of the Rosary there is the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit and the Rosary is the realization of all the Mysteries, of all the Promises that God revealed from the origin of the world to His Saints and Prophets and there in those Mysteries of the Rosary everything has been fulfilled, everything is fulfilled, everything has been fulfilled and is realized. And even today from there, God continues to accomplish the greatest Works of Grace and Mercy in favor of His children all over the world!
Therefore, love the Rosary, live in it, with it and for it, and I say to you: In heaven you will surely come to my side.
To all of you at this moment, I bless generously and especially you Marcos, who continue the Work I have begun. You, who throughout these twenty years have fought to the fullest to instill in hearts love for the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, even before you understood all his greatness, have already loved him. Therefore, His merit is great. That is why, at this moment, I put a Mystical Rosary around your neck and you and I are connected for all eternity. Peace!
(Great Pause)
I generously bless you all at this time. Go in Peace. Go in Peace.
(Marcos): "See you soon.