Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Message from the Archangel Saint Gabriel

Dear Brothers. I, Gabriel, Archangel of the Lord, greet you today and give you Peace.
Sanctify yourselves, to the greater glory of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin. That through you the world may see the light of the Lord, the light of salvation, and may then come out of the darkness and into the light, know the truth. And so, to achieve the salvation that the Lord still offers generously to all today.
Sanctify yourselves, that in the world again good may triumph over evil, love over hate, peace over every form of violence and war, holiness over sin, truth over lies, light over darkness.
Sanctify yourselves, so that in you and through you the plan that the Lord has for each one may be fulfilled. And so His will, His glory and His divine plans may be fulfilled, so that all humanity may be led with you to the salvation and eternal happiness that He prepares and offers to every creature, every soul, every man.
Sanctify yourselves, to the greater joy of God, of the Blessed Virgin, of the heavenly court, of the creatures that are on earth. So that all creation may then sing a vibrant hymn of glorification to God, through you and for your sake.
Joy and glorification to God for all that He has accomplished and still will accomplish in France, His beloved daughter.
I, Gabriel, am with you. I love you. Continue to say all the prayers that the Blessed Virgin has given you here, for it is through from them you will obtain victory in the great battle, which now involves us. It involves heaven, earth and hell. And only those who be very united to the Blessed Virgin Here, through obedience to Her Messages and the prayers that She has given Here, you can in the end be crowned with the crown of eternal glory.
I, Gabriel, tell you: Seek the strength of God in prayer and you will find it. Open your heart to the Lord, renounce your will and accept His. And in your life the Triumph of God's Grace will be assured.
Marcos Peace. I love you. My elect, my favorite friend. Peace Marcos".