Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, May 14, 2010
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved and much desired children, I call you to true love for the Lord. Your love must be generous, ardent and ready to fulfill the will of the Lord. Without this love, the Lord cannot accept you and cannot unite with you. Imitate my little shepherds of Fatima: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, who have lived their unreserved love for the Lord and for me to the highest degree and have practised the virtue of generosity in such an admirable way that at last the Lord can unite with you and reign definitively in you. Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day because it is through it that I will make you grow in love and in the virtue of generosity day after day. I bless you all generously now. Peace.
(Seer Marcos Thaddeus): Then he spoke to me privately, gave me personal instructions on what to do, blessed me and disappeared.