Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 2, 2010
Holy Friday - Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Message from Our Lady of Pain

Dear children, today stay with me at the Feet of the Cross of JESUS, so that with me we may contemplate the Lamb of God, who immolated himself to the Father for the Redemption and Rescue of all humanity, all of you.
I was at the Feet of the Cross, seeing My Divine Son all covered with Wounds and Blood. I heard His last lamentations, I perceived the fever and pain that went through His whole Body. And together with Him, I too, suffering the Mystical Pains of His Passion in My Body, offered Our Pain to the Heavenly Father so that all of you might be redeemed from the bondage of sin and the Gates of Heaven might be opened to you.
I am the true Sorrowful Mother of you all. You are My children, for you were begotten by Me at the foot of the Cross of Jesus; you are the fruit of My sorrows.
I am your Sorrowful Mother even today, because I see that even after two thousand years of My Son's Sacrifice, humanity still turns its back on Him, does not obey His Law of Love, does not open its Heart, its life to Him. I suffer to see how society rejects the Gospel of my Son Jesus, his commandments, his word and how he is still more and more today: he is denied, he is betrayed, he is crucified and he is killed for this world that has turned away from God!
Jesus is denied by those who should praise Him, exalt Him, glorify Him, make Him known. those who are already part of His people, those who are already part of His family and yet, with His evil way of living, deny Him, blaspheme Him and betray Him. Yes! Jesus is betrayed and denied by those who should fight for Him, fight for His divine interests, fight for the truth, fight to establish His Kingdom of Love on earth. But they think only of themselves, of the satisfaction of their wills, of the accomplishment of their personal projects, not caring that so many souls go to perdition every day. and that My Son Jesus continues to be crucified again in every soul that lives in sin and is lost. These who should be His Apostles, it is still the Judas who betray Him today, there are still so many other Apostles who deny Him so as not to displease this pagan and atheistic society in which you live today.
Jesus is still crucified, by all those who, even knowing the truth, betray it, distort it, crush it, shatter it, to live in lies and to let souls go to lies, living in it, growing in it and dying spiritually in it every day, until they are no longer saved! They crucify My Son again and renew His Passion.
Even today I am your Sorrowful Mother. for seeing that children and young people are already sent to early experiences of evil, their souls are killed by evil, impurity, sin, vices, violence, atheism, and the estrangement from God that is the origin of all these evils. And as more and more Satan has seized childhood and youth for his evil projects.
I come to call you to console my Heart and to alleviate my so great pain, working intensely for the conversion and sanctification of all children and young people, leading them along the path of holiness, prayer, goodness, purity of love. So that in this way, truly in these little ones, my Immaculate Heart may triumph and still be able to make the most perfect hymn of praise to the Lord come out of them!
Even today, I am your Sorrowful Mother. seeing how much the families, the church and society are filled with painful wounds, disunity, violence, selfishness, wickedness, indifference, detachment from God and from so many other things that My enemy has brought into your midst in the world to bring the whole world to condemnation.
I ask you, my children, to unite yourselves with me in prayer, in sacrifice, in penance and in love so that together we may transform these wounds that today disfigure families, the Church and society so that they may shine again in them: the radiance of God's grace, of the glory of the Lord, of the beauty of his name and of his own peace.
Even today I am your Sorrowful Mother. as I see that so many of my children continue on the path of condemnation, despite my numerous apparitions around the world, my tears even of blood, my apparitions so prolonged here for more than nineteen years. And that so many souls are lost every day, because there is no one who prays, no one who sacrifices himself for them, no one who brings My Messages of Love to them!
Rise, My children! My true disciples and apostles! Arise to console my Heart, and then you will truly give me the greatest joy that you can offer me. The joy of seeing Me truly obeyed, followed by all of you, imitated by all of you. In this way you will take from My Heart the swords of Pain that pierce it and put a wreath of flowers in place, you will take the nails of My Jesus and put the most precious balm, the most softening balm, the most beloved balm that is: that of your love, your total obedience and your fidelity to Our Sacred Hearts.
I am with you every day, I am with you when you suffer, when you are on Calvary. Remember Me, my constancy by the Cross when you suffer. And you too will have the strength and courage to suffer and offer your sufferings for the salvation of humanity. These sufferings that you offer to Me hasten the moment of My greatest Triumph, which is no longer far away from you!
Forward My children! Soon, the ordeal of your time, that ordeal that you the good, the innocent, who love Me, who obey Me. that ordeal of pain, of suffering that you pass through and that you live. will soon give way to the Glory and Joy of RESURRECTION.
To all, at this moment, I generously bless".