Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday of the Prayer of a Thousand Hail Marys
(Unexpected Appearance of Our Lady)

(MARCOS): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph always be praised! (Pause)
"-My beloved and desired children. Today, when you celebrate the Feast of My Little Shepherds: JACINTA, FRANCISCO and also LUCIA. I, the MOTHER OF GOD and the LADY OF THE ROSARY, ask you once again:
- Imitate the Love of My Little Shepherds.
- Imitate the fidelity, obedience and docility that they had for Me.
- Follow in their footsteps and then you too will be great saints, great giants in the Love of God and of Me as they were.
I, the LADY OF THE ROSARY OF FATIMA, raised these Three Little Shepherds, that is, I formed them, I raised them to such high holiness for you, that they might be models for you.
If you want to give joy and glory to My Heart, do as they did. Love Me as they loved Me, for thus My little children, you will be removing the Crown of Thorns from My Heart and putting in place the most beautiful Crown of Roses!
To all of you, at this moment, I bless you with Love".
(Great Pause)
(Marcos): "-We thank you for the grace of being able to be in your home and pray all this afternoon. See you soon".