Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Cenacle on the Eve of the Anniversary of the 1St Apparition in Jacareí/Sp

"Dear children, today when you are already with heart and soul in celebration on the eve of the Anniversary of Our Apparitions here, I come to call you once again: Peace of heart.
Seek the Peace of the heart, seeking ever more to open your hearts to the grace of the Lord, to let the Lord truly do with you and in you what he wants according to his blessing and his unfathomable plan of love, which is always of mercy and salvation for you. So that truly in your life the Peace of perfect conformity to God's will and perfect union with His adorable will may be a truth and a daily light in your life.
Seek Peace of heart, praying ever more, seeking ever more union with God through deep prayer, intense prayer, burning prayer. As far as it is possible for you to flee. flee from the bustle of the world, flee from the turmoil of creatures without God, so that you may truly have with God: moments of intimacy, moments of union, moments of sweet dialogue and communion of spirit. So that he may thus communicate to you his divine Peace, which surpasses all understanding, so that in this way your souls may truly be flooded with divine Peace, may truly be quenched in the great thirst for peace that they possess, and so that you may be filled to the point of overflowing this Peace for so many souls thirsting for Peace, who seek Peace in vain in the things of the world where they will never find it!
Through you they will be able to find this Peace if you are truly filled with it so that you can also flood the world with this Peace, giving others the divine gift of Peace.
Seek the Peace of the heart, seeking ever more to fill you with the spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Mary, who is always the Spirit of Peace, the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of faithfulness and docility to God's will, so that truly in this way the word of Christ our Lord may be realized in you:
'-I have given you Peace, I leave you My Peace; I do not give it as the world gives it, but I give it as the Father sent Me to give it.
Yes! If you live in this way, this Peace that the world does not have, that the world cannot offer, this Peace unknown to purely carnal men, will shine in you, all of you will see it, all of you will finally be able to obtain it and all of you will be able to live in it forever so that all souls, all nations can find salvation.
If you truly open your heart to God's will, if you renounce yourself and your will, and accept all that we tell you here, truly the Peace of heart will be in you the light that illuminates you day by day until you reach the beautiful fullness in Heaven, in the Paradise that awaits you!
I am with you! I follow in your footsteps, I help you every day to obtain the gift of Peace, to keep the gift of Peace, to increase the gift of Peace until it overflows to the whole world, to all souls who have not yet been to you.
If you, as you give My students, as obedient disciples, let yourselves be guided, formed, led, led by Me. I will lead you to complete Peace of heart, your souls will already anticipate a little of the Peace that blessed souls enjoy in Heaven. And your life, even though the sufferings and difficulties are still present in it, because this is inherent in the human condition, your souls will already live a little of that exultation, that joy, that intimate and unshakable joy that the blessed enjoy in Heaven. And neither the world nor creatures will be able to rob you of this Peace, to turn away from this Peace, to separate from this Peace, to destroy in you this Peace.
I, JOSEPH, Father of the Son of God, Spouse of Mary Immaculate, now generously bless you all on the eve of this blessed day of the Anniversary of our Apparitions here, a day when among the Angels of Heaven there is great joy and celebration and when all the Saints of Paradise with me prostrate themselves before MARY RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, to acclaim her always the Winner, always the Queen, always the Mother, always the beseeching omnipotence of God.
To all at this moment I generously bless".
(MARCOS): "- How wonderful! So much time that I pray to her and how good that tomorrow I will finally meet her! (pause) Oh no! See you soon. Peace."