Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved children. I AM THE LADY OF THE ROSARY! of THE PEACE. of LOVE and GRACE!
Once again I invite you to 'True Love', only through which. only through which, you can perfectly unite with GOD.
The Love. that I seek in you. is the pure Love, is the unselfish Love, is the love that forgets itself and that does not deny anything to what My Love asks of it, or else demands of it.
That is why I have been here for so many years. to truly form you on the path of Love, to the point that you, My children, be true 'bonfires of Love!
Be 'Bonfires of Love'. Letting the Grace of GOD's Love, His Law, His Truth and His Word enter your heart; so that your whole soul may be enlightened and burned by this Love that comes from Heaven, and in your soul there is no other Light that enlightens you but the Light of GOD's Love!
Be 'Bonfires of Love'. Do not put obstacles to the growth of Divine Love in you, do not put barriers to GOD's Will and to My Will. Not by refusing us any sacrifice, no matter how difficult it may seem to you. never by thinking of you and your will, but first and foremost of GOD's Will and mine, for the good of souls and the salvation of the World, so that your hearts may burn truly full of the 'Fire' of 'True Charity' and 'True Love'.
Be 'Bonfires of Love'. never giving My enemy, the devil, any chance to reduce this 'Flame of Love' within you. Oh no, My children! Be vigilant! Do not betray the Word of GOD, do not betray the Grace of GOD, do not betray Divine Love and My Love. like a seed that is thrown by the wayside. and is not cared for, is not buried, is not fertilized, is not protected, is not cultivated! And it remains at the mercy of the birds that can devour it, the thorns that can suffocate it, the boulders that can prevent it from producing roots, or even the scorching sun that can burn it. no!
Take care of the Word of GOD that you hear.
Take care of My Love that you feel in your heart.
Take Care of My Messages!
Take care of the many 'Treasures' that I have given you Here throughout my apparitions, as true and good cultivators: who bury the seed in the earth, who water it, fertilize it, who cover it from the burning sun; who pluck the thorns from the care of goods, riches, and pleasures of this world that want to suffocate it! from the stones of selfishness, pettiness, indifference, incredulity. who want to suffocate it and prevent it from growing!
Protect the seed of My Words. which have been cast by Me into your hearts Here; from all the dangers that can kill her in you and destroy in you all that I have begun.
The 'Divine Love' in your hearts must be protected by you, otherwise GOD will not do His part either. sending His ANGELS, His Saints, ME and His GRANCE to protect your faith, to protect your love.
The negligent are not protected by GOD!
Those who neglect the Divine Love in their souls.
Those who neglect the Word of GOD sown within their souls.
Those who do not watch against occasions of sin.
Those who do not watch over the excessive activity that kills prayer.
Those who do not watch over dangerous friendships.
Those who do not watch over dangerous and harmful contacts with creatures.
The disordered attachment to goods, to the love of the creatures of this world.
Those who do not enjoy the protection that the LORD promised to give to those who as true watchmen watch at the gate of the city night and day, that is, watch the gate of their spiritual and bodily senses without ceasing; so that through them no invader, no harmful evil, can enter into their souls. that can burn, that can suffocate, that can dry up and kill the seed of Divine Love, the seed of Faith, the seed of GOD's Love!
Be 'Bonfires of Living Love'. doing as the shepherds do, who watch the sheep of their flock all night long. when they see that the fire that warms them is going out, they run everywhere to gather branches, to prevent the fire from being extinguished and the fire from ceasing!
In the same way, My children. warm more and more the fire of Divine Love in you:
- PRAYING for at least THREE HOURS A DAY, as I have told you from the beginning;
- JEANING at least on Fridays, to Bread and Water;
- Reading and rereading My MESSAGES, daily;
- PRAYERS, that I have sent you here;
- Reserving time for the study of My MESSAGES, for meditation, for reflection and also for the examination of conscience!
Setting aside time for Myself and for JESUS, speaking to us familiarly as children do with their mothers. With Me in Prayer, all that worries you, all that afflicts you, tell Me all your Miseries, although I already know them all! Ask for the help you desire from Me: that I may pull you out of sin, that I may make you strong in faith, that I may give you victory against your defects, your miseries, your temptations, against the harmful and fatal invitations of the world! And I, my children, promise that I will always listen to you, always welcome you and never reject you!
You feel little comfort in my life. You feel Little My Love and My Presence, because you take too long to seek My Consolation, My Love and My Peace. You seek the love of creatures. You desire to be loved and understood by them and they do not understand you, they do not love you, because they cannot do that. That is why you are always desolate and discouraged, afflicted and confused. But so soon you will come to Me, I will enlighten you, I will enlighten you, I will burn you, I will fill you with so many Graces, that you will regret having sought Me so late!
I will cover you with My Cloak. and then My children, you will sing with Me the Hymns of Glory and Goodness of the LORD!
Be 'Living Flames of Love'. following Me on the path of Penance, of Love, of Prayer, of Divine Grace. saying more and more: NO to yourselves, to what your nature asks and asks, to the suggestions of the devil and the invitations of the world. So that in this way you may repair yourselves pure and white as snow. on My way which is the way of Love, of prayer, of Penance, of Hiding, of Escape and Contempt of the world and of Love and total Consecration to GOD!
In this way My children, you will greatly comfort My HEART and dry the Tears I shed in LA SALETTE, in SIRACUSA, and CIVITAVECCHIA, in CATANIA, HERE and in so many places! And so, My dear children, you will give My HEART so much Love! You will give My HEART so much Joy and so much Glory, as I have never received before in all the history of humanity!
That's why I call you: to PERFECT LOVE, to SUBLIME LOVE, to TOTAL LOVE!
I wait. before the door of your Hearts your answer and from there I will not leave until I hear your 'YES' or your 'NO'.
To all today, I bless you abundantly. from BANNEAUX. from MONTICHIARI. and from JACAREÍ.
Peace!" Message of Holy Crescence "-Dear Brothers. I, GROWTH, bless you today together with the Holy Virgin and tell you:
Peace to your hearts! Let nothing disturb your Peace! Nothing spoil your Peace! Do nothing to alter your Peace!
You are sons of the KING of Heaven, you are princes therefore, and princes fear nothing because they enjoy the same goods as their Father, who is the King. and you therefore, who are the sons of the LORD and the Children of the Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary, have nothing to fear! With them you have everything, you possess everything, and you lack nothing and will lack nothing!
Divine Providence never sleeps! It watches over the children of GOD like a Mother, who night and day watches over Her children and provides and foresees everything so that nothing is lacking!
That is why I call you today:
Walk in Confidence. living each day totally given, entrusted and abandoned to the Providence of GOD, who cares for you, who watches over your spiritual and material life, knows all that you lack and what you need and that in everything and for everything He is always with His eyes fixed on you!
Walk in Confidence. praying each day to the Father in Heaven and to the Mother in Heaven, with the same confidence and tranquility with which little children ask their parents what they need, certain that their parents love them and will never leave them helpless!
Thus, each day, you will grow more and more in trust, in dependence on the LORD and His MOTHER, and also in the joy and peace of knowing that you are so loved by them and so cared for by His Kindness.
Walk in Trust. doing everything possible for you. fighting, working, trying your best; but always trusting more in the Grace and Strength of GOD than in your weak strength! So that all your action may be directed by GOD and to GOD, and all that you do may be referred to the LORD, to His Glory and to His Greatest Praise!
Walk in Confidence. believing and always taking for granted that the LORD:
Who gave you life.
Who called you from nothing into existence.
Who has kept you life until this day and until this moment here.
Who called you here, in this 'Sacred Place', who is loved by Him more than all the rest of the world.
That this LORD, who has made Himself known to you.
That He has revealed to you His truth, His Holy Law of Love, His Holy Catholic Faith, the Glories and Privileges of MARY MOST HOLY, the Glories of the Saints and of the ANGELS, the Glory of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST and of SAINT JOSEPH. May this LORD, who has thought of all this and who has provided all this for you; never. will never abandon you. will never leave you alone, on the contrary, much more guarded and protected than the little child in his mother's womb. He will keep you in His Divine Mercy, in His Divine Goodness and in His Divine Grace, He will cover you with His Cloak, He will kiss you with Love and always, always, always be protected and guarded among His Fatherly Hands!
Walk in Confidence. praying the Holy ROSARY every day, always keeping in mind: that your Prayer annihilates many plans of Satan; destroy many works that the devil creates and does on earth for the perdition of souls; that your Prayers convert many sinners, attract many Graces of GOD to you around you and in the lives of the people you know; ward off many evils and punishments, and above all; makes it rain upon you a great abundance of rain, a true flood of Peace and Grace!
Walk in Confidence. certain that your sacrifices, that your supplications and prayers do not fall on deaf ears, but fall on the ears of your FATHER and of your MOTHER OF HEAVEN, that are attentive to the least of your groans, that are attentive even to the beating of your heart and know when your hearts beat faster because of: pain, fear, affliction and suffering, sickness and anything else that molests you. And so, of all things, they have knowledge and provide the best Grace for you!
Walk in Confidence. always bearing in mind that you are greatly loved by the Lord, that you are overestimated by Him and His Holy Mother, and that the fact that you have been called here, to come here in these Apparitions, to save yourself, is already the great and stupendous proof of the predilection of Divine Love and the Mother in Heaven for you! For the knowledge of these Apparitions Here, the Lord and the Holy Virgin only give to those whom they want to save.
Therefore, beloved brothers, Trust! Trust and Confidence! Lots of Joy and Peace in your hearts. that is what I desire and that is what I want to give you!
You know that I gave My life for CHRIST, that I was a Martyr and that together with ARE VICTOR I gave My life for Love of GOD, for Love of the Holy Virgin, for Holy Catholic Faith and also for you!
I love you so much and I have already tested you when I was martyred by you. So, doubt no more! Do not doubt My Love! Do not doubt My Friendship! Never doubt My protection, on the contrary; turn to Me, give yourselves to Me, give yourselves totally to Me and I promise you:
I will guard you, protect you, teach you the way of holiness, truth and perfection, take your hand as your elder sister and lead you down the path, the path of salvation!
I myself will help you to overcome all the temptations of the enemy, all his suggestions, all the seductions of the world, because I have overcome the world. the world cannot triumph over Me, the world cannot triumph over Me and My Faith! But it was I who beat it with My Perseverance, with My Faith, with My Love, with My Sacrifice.
Then, my beloved brothers, I can take you to Heaven safely! I can make you faithful to Heaven surely! I can reach for you that Fortitude, that Perseverance, that Faith and that Love, which I know well; many of you desire, but because of your weaknesses you cannot reach!
I can achieve all this for you, if you give yourself to Me as My true devotees, if you let yourself be led by Me, if you let yourself be led docilely by Me.
Come! Do not be late! Do not delay any longer! I who love you so much, want to have you in My Arms to perfume you with the Graces of GOD, to embellish you with the Jewels of the Gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, to embellish you with the purity of Heaven!
Come to Me! And to all I promise, I will never leave.
To all today, I bless you with all my Love, together with the Holy Virgin and to all I cover you with my Cloak of Light and Love!