Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Cenacle in commemoration of the Nativity of Mary Most Holy Mother of God
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved children. Today, when you celebrate the Birth of your Heavenly Mother. I once again cover you with My Cloak and pour out upon you My Motherly Blessings!
Be little like Me. seeking to imitate Me in My spiritual smallness, living each day more and more dependent on the Lord's Grace, more and more attentive to hearing His Voice and knowing His Will. And seeking you more and more each day to repute yourselves for nothing, to have little regard for attributing all the Glories to the Lord, reserving for you only the joy of fulfilling His Will and of each day, following the road He has chosen for you and which He has called you.
At the feet of My Cradle, I want to form you in the virtue of spiritual smallness, which makes you pleasing to the Most High. That makes you ever more humble and trusting in Him. That makes you more and more apt and docile to know His Will and to fulfill it, living in a perfect and trusting surrender and dependence on His Fatherly Hands!
Be little like Me., imitating Me in the virtue of supernatural and pure Love, which I cultivated more and more every day. and which exercised, makes you more and more united to the Lord. conform your will to His will, make your feelings and desires resemble those of the Lord. And it makes you grow each day more: in friendship, in intimate, familiar and personal dealings with Him, without, however, neglecting the reverential fear that all of you owe to your FATHER, your GOD and your CREATOR.
Thus, you live on Earth, perfectly united to the LORD in Heaven, and your same life becomes for other souls, a sign of His presence and proof of His existence for all those who do not know Him, who do not love Him or who seek Him in vain without being able to find Him in the satisfactions, goods and pleasures of the world.
Be little like me. Follow me along the same road that I walked in front of you, which is that of Prayer; which must be more intense every day, more fervent, more abrasive, more intimate and more supernatural in you. May it take you higher and higher and give you the necessary strength, so that your will may want good and deplore evil!
Renounce the things of this world and feel the taste for heavenly things! This deep and burning prayer will only be born in you if you seek, if you insist, if you also ask for this gift of praying with your heart to the Senhore if you cultivate it through a firm and determined will to pray ever more and ever better!
Action can never replace Prayer. Prayer must be the source of all your action! It is from it that your strength must come, otherwise all your works and efforts will be in vain and sterile, they will not please the Lord, they will not produce fruits of holiness; for they will come from you, from your strength and not from the Lord of the gallows of the Holy Spirit.
Follow Me on the path of spiritual smallness. Seek more and more each day not to affirm yourself about others, but to walk the path of sacrifice, abnegation, penance, renunciation of yourselves and contempt for the temptations of the world. So that then you may grow day by day, ever more in those virtues that are most dear to me: of poverty of spirit, of purity of heart and intention, of exemption from any personal, petty and human interest.
...So that each day your generosity, your readiness and your constancy in the service of the LORD may become stronger, more vigorous and more continuous. So that in your life there may never be any impediment or obstacle that blocks the influx of Divine Grace into your souls and into you!
Be little like Me. Follow Me on the perfect path of observing the Commandments of GOD, of generosity, of fulfilling His Will, of hope against all hope, of hope and fortitude in times of contrary appearances. And even when everything seems to crumble around you, remain firm, constant, trusting in prayer, in good works and in love for GOD and for Me; certain that, just as I was proved during My life on earth, with pain and suffering. and in moments it seemed that everything was over and in the end I and My Son JESUS triumphed over sin, the devil and death. So also My children, after a brief period of trial in this life, you will triumph with My Son and with Me in Heaven.
Therefore, always be encouraged by the hope of Heaven and the encounter that all of you will have with Me in Eternal Glory. Let My example animate you! Animate the Crown of Glory that I weave for you in the Heavenly Glory every day, in expectation of one day crowning you as victorious My children, as brave fighters who fought the good fight, who kept the faith, who came to the end unscathed!
Be little like me. doing as I always did, seeking only the Will of GOD and nothing else. having no other desire but to please Him, to content Him and to please Him, repeating without ceasing as I repeated:
- Speak, Lord, your servant hears you!
In this way, you will grow together with Me, each day, on the road of perfect satisfaction and the perfect glorification of the Holy Trinity:
Loving Her. for so many who do not love Her!
Praising Her. for so many who do not praise Her!
Loving Her. for so many who do not love Her!
Serving Her. for so many who do not serve Her!
In this way you will be perfect copies of your MOTHER GIRL, who was born as the Dawn of Salvation and as a Celestial Model, for all souls who truly want to please GOD with a pure heart, with purity, with the docility of children!
Today. on the day of my birth, I bless you abundantly from LOURDES, POINTMAN and JACAREÍ".
Message of Saint Perpetua
"-Dear Brothers! I, PERPÉTUA, servant of the LORD, servant of MARY MOST HOLY. come today once again to call you:
- Be brave fighters of the faith!
Fight the good fight, do not run away! Fight for CHRIST! Fight for HOLY MARY with the weapons of love, of prayer, of faith, of perseverance; against which Satan and demons cannot and against which this world has no power.
Fight valiant soldiers of the LORD. more each day with courage and with the certainty that you will not fight alone. The whole of Heaven fights with you, the Angels and We the Saints also fight with you every day, in the struggle to establish on Earth the Kingdom of the SACRED Hearts, the Kingdom of Love!
How many times you are paralyzed in the midst of the struggle!
How many times do you stagnate and the enemy advances gaining ground. because you take your gaze from GOD and from HOLY MARY, from their will and from their Design of Love, to put it back in yourself and in the creatures.
Now you look upon your efforts as useless, and therefore you are overcome by discouragement. Now you look at the little good you have done and then you are already very full of merit, with many victories, with many good works, and you do not fight harder in this struggle to sanctify yourselves and the souls around you!
That is why I come from Heaven, to awaken you from your error and to take you out of your illusion and carry you ever further; on the path of perfection, holiness and love.
Never be satisfied! Do not park in the middle of the road! Always go forward! Your efforts are never useless, even when you do not see the results of your efforts, as you well know: they were all written in the Book of Life. If they do not serve for the salvation of those souls whom you intended to help in the first place, they will serve for others. But nothing. Nothing that is done in the Name of the LORD will be without its effect, nor without its reward! Even a cup of water given in the Name of Christ will have its reward in Heaven. How much more your efforts to make His Word, His Law, His Messages: known, loved and obeyed by all!
You should never look upon your efforts as useless, for I tell you:
- Those who have sown in tears, among the Songs of Joy will one day reap!
One day. with the Holy ANGELS and with Us the Saints. these souls who sowed the Word of GOD on earth, who sowed the Messages, who sowed the Love of GOD and the Holy Virgin; they will gather themselves to Us for the harvest. And how much consolation they will feel that day as they gather sheaves and more sheaves, from souls who produced the fruits of the seeds that were sown.
Never look upon your merits, for they will always be few in comparison to what the Lord deserves to receive from you!
You must fight. to obtain more deserving for Heaven. And the time for that is now, is that life. While it is day work, for soon night will come and no one will be able to work anymore! The LORD will come soon, in an hour not known and not suspected by you. and he will ask of you the fruits of the talents he has given you.
Are you prepared to give back to Him twice as much, three times as you received? You must always keep in mind that you were created for holiness, for heaven. not for the transitory things of this earth. You can use them as long as they are means to better serve GOD, VIRGIN MARIA and reach Heaven!
Otherwise, the things of this world, would only distance you from the LORD and the true purpose for which you were created: THE SKY!
You always have in mind:
That you must use the things of this world, but without letting yourself be controlled and dominated by them!
Only in this way will you enjoy true freedom and use all things with the right weight and measure that they deserve. And only then will your life be a perfect service to GOD, without mixing human and petty interests, which can be masked under the pretext of serving GOD!
I invite you to CONSTANCE.
...This virtue that has been so neglected by you! It must now be the object of your attention, and you must beware of it; in order to know it better, cultivate it and practice it.
The men of your time suffer from a chronic inconstancy. They are not constant: neither in Prayer, nor in Sacrifice, nor in Love, nor in Meditation, nor in Good Works, nor in anything. They change from night to day! Just as the wind changes direction and blows to other sides, so are the men of this time, like crazy weathercocks who seek thousands of things at the same time and are not persevering even in the little things!
Those who are not faithful in the little, will not be faithful in the long.
To whom the LORD has trusted little and has not been faithful in that little, the LORD will not be able to trust more.
If you want to grow in holiness, grow in the service of the LORD. Learn from Me the Constance in the little things. It is in the little virtues that the great virtues begin. It is in the small acts, done with perfection, that one learns to do the great acts with perfection!
As long as you continue to neglect this, you will never be faithful to the Lord at all. And your life will be a constant turmoil and a sea of turmoil and confusion!
Go back to the sources! Go back to the sources! Learn to be faithful, to be faithful in small things, and then, you will be able to be in big things!
Imitate My Fortress, be like Me: do not exchange the Love of JESUS and the Holy Virgin for anything, for no other love in this world! As beautiful as it may seem to you! Do not despise their friendship, for no good, for no glory. for nothing that this world will offer you and tempt you.
Be faithful to the Love of this Mother until the end! And one day you, my beloved brethren, will come up here, where I have gone before you and where together with the Holy Virgin I prepare for you, every day an imperishable Crown of Glory! And a Cloak of princes that you are. Oh, sons of the King of Heaven! That one day you may reign here above with Us and sing with Us the Glories of the Lord for all Eternity.
To all today I cover with My Mantle and bless you abundantly."
Message of Saint Peter Damian
"-Dear My Brothers! I, PEDRO DAMIÃO, bless you today with the Holy and Holy Birth.
You know the wonderful praises I have written about the Blessed Virgin Mary!
You must love her with filial love, being more and more the Seraphim of Love of the Mother of GOD each day.
Be the Seraphim of Love of the Mother of GOD. living each day in Her presence, that is, praising Her, praying the HOLY ROSARY; Her favorite prayer. Reading Her Messages and seeking more and more to know Her Will for you, and applying Her Messages to your life, so that your very life may become an Unceasing Hymn of Love, Unceasing Prayer of Love!
Be the Seraphim of the Mother of God. Trying each day more and more to cultivate the virtues that please Her:
The soul will only be wise, only full and rich of the True Celestial Wisdom; when it will be full of MARY. full of Her Spirit, that is, of Her Virtues, of what She loved, of Her Love, of Her Feelings, of Her Thoughts and Desires!
Only in this way will the soul be filled with True Wisdom, because it will be full of Mary and full of the HOLY SPIRIT; for He seeks to give Himself and to pour Himself out to those souls in which He finds His Divine Spouse, while He rejects those souls in which He finds Her absent or then expelled.
Be the Seraphim of Love of the Mother of GOD. seeking every day to die more and more for yourselves, for your corrupted will, which always leads and drags you in the opposite direction of GOD's Will. That makes you seek what is most comfortable for you and not what is most pleasing to GOD. That makes you search more and more for your interests and desires and not for those of GOD. And to achieve your goals and not GOD's goals!
In this way you will remove the greatest and main obstacle that prevents you, from knowing the Love of GOD, from growing in Him until you become an immense flame that rises from the Earth until you reach Heaven!
That greatest obstacle is your 'I', which you must fight more each day until you are completely overcome.
When you achieve this you will overcome the temptations of the world and the devil with great tranquility and ease. And you will burn more and more every day in the living flame of love for the Lord!
Be the Seraphim of Love of the Mother of GOD. by copying Her examples, following Her Immaculate Footprints; by the way of a greater and ever deeper intimacy with the LORD. Intimacy that is there, in the depths of your heart, where only then can you find the LORD!
Do not look for Him in agitation! Do not look for Him in the tumult of the world and of creatures, because you will not find Him! Do not seek Him also in the effervescence of the masses, where they say that GOD is with bang and fuss. No! You will find GOD within your heart, hidden there, in the room of your heart and soul, where only He has access. There you will find Him! You will also find Him hidden in His Word, in His Messages. You will find Him hidden in His Saints and in His ANGELS, in the HEART of His MOTHER and in that of SAINT JOSEPH. You will find Him hidden in His Mysteries, Commandments and Sacraments; if they are well meditated and appreciated by you! There you will find the Lord: Sweet, Tender, Tender, Solicitous and Loving Father, willing to fill you with the greatest Jewels: of His Grace, of His Beauty, of His Holiness, of His Love!
Be the Seraphim of Love of the Mother of GOD. fighting each day, as brave and true soldiers of good, love and peace; carrying the Messages that you receive in this Place, to the knowledge of all souls, who do not yet know GOD nor the Holy Virgin! Or that you seek them in vain in this world, wandering in passing things; seeking fullness, heavenly happiness, which only GOD can give: in Prayer, in Meditation, in the Path of Holiness, in the fulfillment of His Law of Love and His Word.
Give these souls what they seek, give them the truth, give them happiness, give them the peace and love they seek; giving them Our Messages. They reveal the living and risen GOD, the GOD who is not dead, the GOD who is not mute, the GOD who did not stop speaking two thousand years ago. But He is still alive, He is still full of Love and He continues to work unceasingly to reveal Himself, reveal His Love and with Him save all His children!
Go and show the world the living GOD who here in this Place revealed Himself to you first and who wants to reveal Him now, to all those who do not know Him! You who already know the sweetness of GOD's Love, which has been revealed to you here. You who already taste and feel the Love of Him and of the Holy Virgin, which has been given to you in profusion here. Do not waste more time! Give this Love to souls! Give them the Messages, give them the truth, give them the Love! Otherwise, on the Day of Judgment you will be responsible for the destruction of many, many souls. Do what your conditions permit, the rest I will complete.
But do your utmost so that through you, the Mystical Light and Magnificence of the LORD, who came to this Place, who revealed Himself in this Place, is dearer to Him and His Mother than all the rest of the world. May this Light shine upon the whole world, and may this Magnificence be known as soon as possible, by the souls of the whole world, and may all hearts and all souls glorify the Name of the Lord and His MOTHER!
I am with you, even when you are discouraged, downcast, and arid. and do not feel Me, do not perceive Me. I am with you, with you I will fight, to establish on Earth the Kingdom of the Holy Virgin Mary. first within the hearts, so that it may then be established in all society and in all Nations in the Triumph of His IMMACULATE HEART.
Put your hand on the plough and you will see that My Hand will already be there, firm and ready; to work with you, to cultivate the field that the LORD has given you, to cast the seed and to produce the fruits of holiness that He desires from you.
To all today I bless you abundantly".