Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Message of Mary Most Holy Mother of God

Very dear children! In this Holy Week pray more, pray with more love. Contemplate more the love of CHRIST who dies for your salvation, contemplate more My Love; who led Me to suffer all the Sorrows, the most crucifying to collaborate in the Work of your redemption. I am the Mother of life. Those who love Me will have eternal life, those who seek Me will find Me and with Me they will find salvation!
Those who make Me known and loved will live eternally by My side. I live close to those who bless Me, praise Me, make Me known and loved by mortals.
Wisdom dwells in the mind, lips and heart of the One who learns from Me and from Me! He who listens to Me, who keeps My precepts, will be immortal and will be distinguished among the ANGELS of GOD, as a soul, as someone of great value, wisdom and grace!
Continue praying My Rosary and all the prayers that I have given you, for through them I will make you go through all the traps and snares of My enemy, to overcome and overcome all the obstacles of this world.
I will give you the grace to overcome your defects and miseries and to bring you unscathed and victorious to Eternal Glory.
To all at this moment I bless you abundantly. Marcos peace, see you soon!"