Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children. I JOSEPH, ask you today: Seek to love GOD more than yourselves. You still love yourselves more than GOD, and that is why between doing His will and yours, you still prefer yours. But know that as long as you live like this: The HOLY SPIRIT will not be able to make any operation in your souls to bring you to holiness! As long as you do not die to yourselves, GOD cannot live and reign in you! So my children, pray, pray a lot, asking for the grace to love GOD more than you! A good exercise in mortification is to deny yourself what the corrupted Iof each one desires. I will pray for you, that you may attain this Grace and never forget it:
I loved you before you loved Me, even when you lived with your back to Me, I already loved you. Live in My love. Peace!"