Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, on this Holy Christmas Day my Immaculate Heart comes again to give you Peace and my Solemn Blessing! I am the true Mother of God. I gave the Son of God to the world once and I will bring him to the world again at the second coming of my Son Jesus on the clouds of heaven. Therefore, I am the perfect Mother of the first and second coming.
It is my maternal mission to prepare the world to receive Him at His second coming. That is why I have multiplied My apparitions and My extraordinary manifestations all over the earth, to call all humanity to receive their Savior who will soon return to you in glory.
All the signs of His glorious return are shown to humanity, but it remains blind and deaf to recognize the voice crying from the top of the mountain: "prepare the paths, smooth the paths, straighten the paths of the Lord".
Therefore, my beloved children, it is your mission to work together with me to bring the Light of Salvation to all my children as soon as possible. See how many people still do not know My Son. How many reject Him. How many forget him.... How many turn their backs on Him ignoring His birth, His life, His pain, His passion and death two thousand years ago! How many choose to live without Him, against Him, solely to offend Him and to despise His love.
For this reason, My children, I invite you today: be the new manger of My Son Jesus, where He can finally recline, rest and rest. And from where He can make His Light shine for all the simple and pure of heart like the shepherds, so that at last His kingdom of love may be established all over the earth!
My Heart will convert Japan! He will one day know Me, know My Love, and then consecrate Himself completely to Me and accept Jesus Christ, for when I am known and loved there, My Son will finally be known and loved.
I will save, I will save the nations, I will convert sinners. Only trust in Me and do what I say and My Heart, which knows how to act in the occult and in silence, will surely triumph!
Marcos, peace, My children".
Message of the Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph
"-Continue to say all the prayers that We tell you to do here. Thanks to them Our Three Sacred Hearts have saved millions of sinners this year. Thanks to your prayers, many souls have escaped from the demonic clutches. Continue with these prayers. One day in heaven you will see how many souls your prayers have brought back to heaven!"
Message of the Child of Jesus (Our Lord appeared as a child)
"-As My Father Nurturing has just spoken now, continue with the prayers. Your prayers sound to My ears like melodious songs, like those songs My angels sang to Me that night I was born.
Prepare my way. Prepare the way for my return, and watch and pray because I will not tell you when the day will come for my return. Watch and pray that you will not be surprised without Love.
Peace, My children, My Sacred Heart blesses you now".