Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Message of the Most Loving Heart of Saint Joseph

My beloved children, my Most Loving Heart blesses you again today and gives you peace.
Be more and more the 'links' that unite souls to my Heart.
Take my love to the souls. Give them My Love, the Truth, the Holiness that I offer you in My Messages, so that the souls of the whole world can connect to My Heart through our loves: Mine and yours. That in this way they form one Love so that then souls may receive the influxes of the graces of salvation that I wish to communicate.
Be, My children, the perfect image of My Most Loving Heart, seeking to reproduce in you My virtues, My good examples, that which I did and went, so that then through you the world may understand and see the beauty of My face, the greatness of My Holiness and the depth of My Love, and in this way the world may believe in Jesus and be saved.
Be the image of my Most Loving Heart, seeking to be like I was, completely burnt with love, completely poor in self-love for myself, completely detached from my will, so that then the Divine plan could be realized.
Be just as I was so that the perfect plan of God may also be realized in you and I may accomplish that which is my mission: to make Jesus and Mary known and loved by all!
If you are like I was, if you imitate me, if you follow my example you will be another "I" on earth, and then you will make me known and loved.
And when I am known and loved, Jesus and Mary will also be known and loved and will reign in all hearts.
Make Me known and loved by obeying My Messages, obeying what I command you, imitating My virtues, the examples I have left for you, and so, My children, evil cannot come against you. Evil will not be able against the powerful torrent of Grace that my Most Beloved Heart will pour out through you over the whole world.
And evil will then be annihilated and Our Hearts will triumph.
Continue to pray all the prayers We have given you here. Through them we prepare new graces for you soon. But pray them with a willing heart, full of love, faith and a sincere desire to overcome your defects, yourselves and reach Christian perfection.
In this way, your prayers will produce the effect desired by Us and you will achieve victory.
Peace My children, see You soon. My Most Loving Heart now covers you with these 'bright stones', these blessings that I have deserved before God for you".
(Note: In this Apparition, St. Joseph commissioned the seer Marcos Tadeu to compose a new Rosary in honor of the Mystery of His Sorrows and Tears asking for Divine Mercy for the Merits of St. Joseph's Sorrows and Tears. Marcos asked St. Joseph if he could not teach (compose) the Rosary to him and St. Joseph answered:)
"- Yes, I could do that, but it is not my will! My will is that you compose the Rosary, bring it to My approval and then spread it. My wish is that people understand that they can achieve Divine Grace, not only by the rosaries, by the prayers that We directly give here, but also, by the prayers that We command you to make! we want to communicate, to give thanks in this way. in this way too".