Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. My Immaculate Heart rejoices in your coming here!
My Heart receives your consolations and the many hugs that your souls offer to Me as a precept of Love, gratitude and filial tenderness from the Mother who feels and sees herself loved and consoled, for the children who love her, listen to her and follow her!
Today is the month of my apparitions here! This time is a time of grace for you. This time, which the Holy Trinity in Her unfathomable designs determined to be given to the men of the 20th century and of this new century, this time is a time of Grace such as there has never been before in human history. neither before nor after the VERB became flesh.
Now my children, to you, to whom the LORD and I have given so much. the more love, the more holiness, the more faithfulness and faith we desire and ask of you:
Without Love your hearts can never know GOD, because GOD is Love! And only the one who loves knows GOD. Only the one who loves can see GOD! Only the one who loves can live in GOD and GOD in him. Only the one who loves can truly taste the mercy of the LORD, know His goodness and receive from the LORD His mercy and benevolence.
Only the one who loves, came from GOD and can return to GOD. Only the one who loves was born of GOD and can live in GOD. So I invite you to Love without ceasing! The true Love that the world does not know and therefore misplaced suffers alone, without consolation and too much.
Only in GOD does man truly find his peace, find his balance, find his full realization, find his full happiness.
I am the Mother of Divine Love! I am the Mother of Beautiful Love! Those who find Me, find life, those who seek Me find salvation, those who live in Me will be immortal, those who make Me known and loved will never perish.
That is why My children come to Me and continue with all the prayers that I have given you here, for through them I have saved countless souls throughout the world! Do not let temptation steal your trust and your fervor in prayer, EVER! For that is what My adversary desires.
Through your prayers I have led many souls back to the path of salvation. And with these souls I form My army of prayer, peace, love and penance for all the face of the earth! As I want to carry out My plans, I ask for prayers, more prayers, for the new phase of My plan that I will undertake!
With your prayers I will emerge victorious from My adversary and with Me will also overcome many souls whom I will save.
Peace My children, believe in Me. I believe in you".