Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 12, 2008
(Our Lady Aparecida Day
Message of Mary Most Holy

Beloved children, with my Immaculate Heart, full of love and pain, I come to you today. full of love because I am the Mother and Queen of Brazil and of you my children who obey my Messages and who come here with so much love to console me and to listen to my Heart, receive from you the glorification, love and consolation that the Mother of Heaven expects from all her children.
I come to you with DOR because unfortunately, even after seventeen years of my continuous apparitions here with my Son and Saint Joseph, with the Angels and the Saints and also of my apparitions and tears in Brazil in the past years, my Messages, my appeals, have not yet been obeyed.
My Heart is filled with concern seeing not only this Earth, but the whole world filled with violence, sin, evil, selfishness and so much darkness from the apostasy of atheism, hedonism and so many other things that My enemy, the adversary, has introduced into this world because he has found souls in him who have been willing to help him implant his kingdom of darkness, of evil for their lives full of sin.
I wish you to understand that when you sin, you become INIMIGOS OF GOD, you crucify My Divine Son Jesus Christ again, becoming His enemy, separated from Him and His grace, and you become friends and slaves of Satan.
When you sin, you freely place yourselves under the slavery of Satan to serve that cruel master who after demanding all the efforts of his servants, all your efforts in the service of wickedness and sin in this life, will give you as payment, as wages and rewards the eternal torments in the endless flames of hell.
On the contrary, My Divine Son Jesus Christ and I, after receiving the services of our servants and our slaves of love in this world, give them as a reward eternal happiness that will never cease in Heaven.
Our true slaves of love already live on this earth feeling that peace, that joy and that happiness that the blessed enjoy in heaven; and even if they suffer in this life because I did not exempt them from suffering just as god did not exempt me from suffering while I was living on earth, even though they suffer they have My presence as Mother who comforts them, who consoles them, who helps them, who lifts them up, who sustains them, who strengthens them.
Thus my beloved children and my faithful servants live each day in the firm hope that one day they will reach my feet on my throne in heaven. And how many of my children have despised my love and my friendship, the love and friendship of my son Jesus Christ to be friends with the devil for a life full of sin and all that is contrary to God's holy law of love.
My children, you must return. You must return to the Lord who is the God of your salvation and peace. Only in Him will you have true happiness and the fullness of life.
Only in My arms will you have all the peace, all the love and all the consolation that your hearts desire and that you hunger and thirst for.
Only in Me will you find true and faithful love that does not pass away but lasts forever.
I call you therefore to come here full of trust.
Those who give themselves to Me and give themselves completely to My service, obeying My Messages and working with Me., collaborating with Me to establish in the world the kingdom of My Immaculate Heart, to these I promise to give all My love with all My Mercy and all the range of graces that My Immaculate Heart has to offer.
Thus my children, you will live in me and I in you. I will reign fully in you and I will be able to mystically generate Christ again in you until He becomes completely great and absolute Lord in your hearts.
Continue to pray My Meditated Rosary and all the prayers I have given you every day because only they can save Brazil and the world from this grave hour that weighs upon it.
I., have promised that my Immaculate Heart will triumph at the end of the great battle I am fighting with my proud enemy Satan, who now presents himself as the sure winner and the Lord of all humanity. Trust for My children because through your Rosary prayed every day with perseverance, with love and trust DERREPENT I will snatch away all that My enemy has surrendered from My Lord, and I will return everything to the JUST LORD king and master of all things.
My Immaculate Heart will then triumph because I will reign in the will, in freedom, and in the life of all My children. Then it will be the KINGDOM OF MY HEART, THE KINGDOM OF MARY IN ALL THE FACE OF THE EARTH.
I love you, and because of this place, because of My son Marcos, of all the works he does for me, and for me, and for the love he consecrates to me I promise to save Brazil, I promise to save the WORLD.
Always remember this: For a soul who truly loves the Lord, for a soul who truly loves me and rises, the Lord pours out his mercy on his children, on so many souls, so many nations, on earth.
I, my children, bless you all now.