Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

My little children, I AM THE LADY AND RAINE OF THE ANGELS. Under My orders are the powerful ARE MICHAEL, RAFAEL, GABRIEL, MANUEL and all the Angels and Saints of Heaven.
Under My orders, My Angels come to defend you. Come and keep you, come and teach you to obey the will of the Lord and to keep His commandments.
Under My orders, they keep from you every day many dangers, many evils, and they keep you in the midst of the sufferings that you have to go through in this valley of tears so that you may arrive safely at the Father's house.
Under My command. My Angels come to you to make you COMPREHEND My Messages, My will, and what I expect of you and in this way bring you to the full correspondence that the Lord and I expect of you all and to bear those fruits of holiness that the world so badly needs so that it may finally be filled with the great spiritual hunger through which it passes.
My Angels. come to you. with your hands full of the graces that my Immaculate Heart emanates to you to flood your life and every day of your pilgrimage on earth with light, love, peace of serenity and comfort in the great trials that you have to go through now that we are at the end of time.
My Angels. come to you. in haste to get up when you fall, to get up when you are already tired and to help you move forward when you are in the middle of the road and no longer want to move forward.
My angels, come to cut all ties, all threads of attachment that you still keep, so that in this way, very free and unhindered you can move forward on the path of perfection, and holiness without stopping or slowing you down.
In this way you are led each day, guided by My Angels, and you come closer and closer to that perfection and that supernatural union with me and with the Lord.
Entrust yourself to them. RELIEVE YOU OVER THE ARE MICHAEL who has the task of defending you in the snares of Satan. To open your eyes to the snares so that you may overcome them all, defeat the enemy, and remain faithful to the Lord.
SAINT GABRIEL has the mission to strengthen you in the battles that you have to fight in your lives, has the mission to make you more and more ready and solicitous to answer yes to the will of the Lord and to take your yes to HIM (God) as he did to me in the announcement.
SAINT RAFAEL has the mission to heal your spiritual wounds that you acquire in the struggle against Satan. It has the mission to preserve your body. Your mind, your soul and keep them in perfect balance and health so that you can serve God with all your powers and with all your strength.
Saint Raphael pours balsam on the wounds of your souls so that you can have the comfort and relief of Divine Mercy in you at all times of your earthly pilgrimage.
And next to you are YOUR GUARD ANGELS that guide you, that enlighten you and that if it were possible they would give their lives to preserve your size is the love they have for you.
So My children, surrounded by so many heavenly friends, so many supports and so many companions that the Good God has disposed for your good you, on this earth, can do good even if you suffer. You can serve God even if you shed tears, you can correspond to the Lord even if you carry the cross.
And no man can excuse himself from not being able to do good if he has so many and so loyal friends in heaven.
Blessed is the soul that entrusts itself to them, gives itself and lets itself be led and guided by them, for already on this earth it will taste a drop of what it is to live with the saints in heaven.
This coexistence, if well begun here on Earth, if lived with depth and intensity will lead you to live happily and contentedly even if you go through a storm and dregs* in your life. In this way My children will already live a drop of what will be your eternal coexistence with the Angels in Heaven.
I lovingly bless you all today through My Angels and give you My Peace, Peace to all!"
* Storm with violent winds / Sudden occurrences of annoyance and displeasure.