Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Marcos favorite, peace!
Today, when you and your brothers celebrate another month of Our Extraordinary Apparitions here, My LOVING HEART blesses you again!
Be the docile instruments of Our Hearts; for the salvation of all. of all this humanity.
Be the beacon of light. that dispels darkness: of sin, ignorance, selfishness, hatred, impurity and violence.
Be the beacon of light. that scares the darkness: of the rebellion against GOD, of the rebellion against His Law of Love, of the rebellion against His Holy Catholic faith, of the rebellion against GOD's Love; that all wish to save and make happy!
Be the beacon of light. that to everyone reflects the light, which emanates from Our THREE SACRATISTIC HEARTS in this Place. so that everyone seeing the Light of Our Hearts reflected in you and by you; may see again the right path that leads to Heaven, in the midst of so much darkness that now involves the whole of humanity and your whole society.
Be the beacon of light that reflects the light of Our THREE SACRED HEARTS; to all this world so that Our children plunged into vast darkness and spiritual blindness, may again see the Light of the new day, of salvation and peace that already rises for you on the horizon!
Be the beacon of light that reflects to all of Our THREE SACRED UNITED HEARTS; so that all may be again: enlightened, restored, resurrected from spiritual death, embellished and sanctified by Our powerful and supernatural Love.
Be the beacon of light. That all may be offered the mystical radiance of love, holiness and salvation; that emanates from this place, to the whole world, so that all humanity, fallen and enslaved in sin by Satan, may finally know the hour of its great liberation and total salvation!
If you do what We tell you here, if you fulfill all that We have commanded you, you can be sure to reflect always: without spot, shadow or obstacle in your souls; the supernatural light of Our UNITED HEARTS!
The light. the lamp. is of no use if it is placed under the bed. but if it is placed on high, on a lamp. it gives light and illuminates the whole house! So it must be you too. Shine with the light of your faith, of your love, of your obedience to Our Messages, of your hard, persevering, continuous work of spreading Our Messages; that you may be: true lamps, which shine on high and illuminate the whole world. So that all seeing the light of OUR HEARTS, which reflects and spreads through and through you, all then; may be attracted by Our enchanting Light, which falls in love and in love with all.
If you are lamps without shadows, your light will be great and you will illuminate countless souls, and they will also be transformed into so many other luminous lamps that will spread the invincible light of Our Love, which will ultimately triumph throughout the world.
My children, go ahead! Another month has passed and what have you done? What have you done for the plans of Our THREE SACRED HEARTS? What have you done for Our Messages? What have you done for the salvation of the world? Now that time is running out, you must give all of yourself, all of your commitment, for the salvation of humanity and for the fulfillment of the plans of Our Sacred Hearts!
Put Yourself in Our Hands. like clay. malleable, docile; so that We may transform you into whatever We please!
Can the clay say to your modeler: -Do not touch me? Do not model me? No! In the same way, be you also like clay: docile and malleable in Our Hands, so that We may print in you the shapes We ourselves want.
Our Hearts trust in you and expect great things from you.
Do not retreat! Do not weaken! Do not be discouraged! Do not ski from Our call of love.
If you are Our Servants: ready, determined and faithful; nothing can prevent you from serving Us and making in your life Our plan of salvation and love concrete, real and tangible.
To all I now bless you with Love, showering upon you the deepest Blessings of my LOVING HEART.
I, JOSEPH, leave you peace!"