Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

My children! My LOVING HEART blesses you again today and gives you Peace.
Be the Echoes of this My HEART of Love, for this world that has plunged into the depths of darkness and lies as dead on the paths of self-destruction, which he himself has prepared for you.
Be the ECOS of MY LOVING HEART. taking my messages to all the ways, like true heralds, that go ahead of their LORD announcing YOUR ARRIVAL. And preparing all the ways to receive Him!
Be the ECO of MY HEART. spreading the Messages of Love everywhere; that I communicate here in this Place, with the SACRED HEART of JESUS and that of MARY MOST HOLY for your salvation!
Be the ECO of MY LOVING HEART. lending me your lips, your hands, and your feet; that I may arrive with My Messages to every nook and cranny of the world, lifting up there what Satan has overthrown, healing what he has wounded, resurrecting what he has killed, and thus proclaiming the greatest Victory of the Lord's Grace!
Be the ECOS of MY LOVE HEART. showing with your lives and your words; that you belong to me, that the things of the world no longer fascinate you and that your life is therefore already hidden in CHRIST, so that it may then be revealed and manifest to the whole world: the splendor of His Glory and His Love!
Be the ECOS of MY LOVE HEART. revealing by your way of being and acting that you are true children of Mine: who imitate Me, listen to Me, follow Me, love Me, praise Me and belong completely to MY HEART.
Be the ECOS of MY LOVING HEART. seeking the perfect exercise of all virtues, giving to the world a vehement witness: of the Grace, Love and Mercy of the LORD!
This is your TIME, the TIME of your witness, the TIME of your work and your mission: to bring the light from this Elected Place to every corner, to every road on earth!
Make the light of the Love of the LORD shine, My children, so that as soon as possible the darkness may be defeated and the LIGHT OF DIVINE GRACE: Victory, Reign and dwell in all!
This is MY TIME! That is why I am appearing here in an extraordinary, new, resounding way. to give the world: the certainty of my love, of my continual presence, of my fatherly mercy and of my continual help, with which I wish to lead you each day to a greater perfection of life and to a more eminent degree of holiness.
Be the ECOS of My HEART. repeating in all time and place; My Messages and seeking to propagate My HOUR of PRAYER so that others may know Me, love Me and consecrate themselves totally to Me, so that I may save them! I thank you for all the Prayers, continue with the ROSARY CROSS and all the PRAYERS that WE have given you here, for through them we have prevented many evils in the world and brought back many souls to meet the LORD and the MOTHER OF GOD!
Pray! Only through PRAYER you will be able to understand MY LOVE, what I tell you and what I expect from you in MY MESSAGES.
Marcos peace, peace to all of you. I bless you abundantly".