Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

My children. My LOVING HEART blesses you once again today. And pour peace on you!
Continue to go to this "Place" chosen by you and which is Our Home on Earth. Here you will be comforted, helped and relieved in your sufferings.
Here your hearts will always find the Grace of GOD, willing to help you. And here you will always find 'Divine Wisdom'; to be able to solve the difficult situations of your lives, to overcome all the trials and to reach Heaven safely!
Here Our Hearts will make in you a beautiful and worthy work for the ALMIGHTY, that will give Him joy and contentment.
I am together with MARIA, the `Arch of the Covenant'. In Me GOD and man finally meet and make a perpetual Covenant between GOD and man!
In Myself, in My Heart, the Treasures of the Old and the New Law have also been deposited. And here there is Enough Wealth and Treasures; to enrich you, to raise you all up!
I am this Blessed Ark! And anyone who wants to meet GOD and come to Him must first come to Me, come to Me, and I will bring him to the LORD! And then the soul will meet Him!
I am your Father, and it is My Father's Mission to lead you to a continuous, perfect, and profound encounter with the Lord.
Give Me your Heart! Give Me your soul! Give Me your will, freely, and I will lead you to the Lord!
Peace to all of you My children. Keep praying all the prayers that we have given you; through them GOD will come very close to you and you will come very close to Him.
My Heart watches over you without ceasing! Do not retreat, do not be discouraged, never doubt My Love!
Peace! Peace, Marcos".