Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Message of Mary Most Holy

My children, I love you and I ask you: to continue praying the HOLY ROSARY every day, for only through him can I neutralize the plans of Satan.
. I AM THE RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE and the LORD OF THE ROSARY. Pray intensely and continue working with Me for the realization of My plans and for the TRIUMPH OF MY HEART!
Know that I have chosen you, to be part of My Army. Do not omit or ski from your mission! I seek soldiers who know how to forget themselves, to think more of the LORD and His plans than of themselves!
If you are faithful to My plan, I will see the victory of My HEART in the world!
Forward! I am with you always.
I bless you all now. Peace."