Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Cenacle of the Feast of Divine Mercy

(Marcos)"-I see our Lord JESUS CHRIST, dressed all in gold, with a great gold crown on his head. (PAUSE)
To her right is MARIA too, she is all dressed in gold and carrying in her hands a sphere that releases many bright lights of various colors. (PAUSE)
Now on the left is a beautiful young woman, all dressed and golden too, is SANTA FAUSTINA, she carries in her hand a great book, also golden. (PAUSA)
Around and above them all, a great arch appears, now I see what is written "GOD IS MERCY".
"-Dearl children! My SACRED HEART pours out upon you today the Ocean of My MERCY, which purifies you, washes you and saves you from sin!
I give you today's special blessing to all of you who faithfully love My MERCY, worship this My greatest attribute, and spread this devotion so that many souls may also come to know My will.
Also today I give you the Plenary Indulgence, which forgives all your sorrows, due to your sins; duly confessed, repentant, and of which you no longer wish to know nor to commit again.
My MERCY, will never cease to seek those I love, I persecute sinners with My love; though they often reject Me, I give them every opportunity to save themselves. I only abandon a sinner when he definitively makes the choice for evil and truly chooses to live without Me, closing the door of his Heart to Me.
Every day the furnace of My love for sinners increases and this fire consumes Me! Soothe these flames of My MERCY, giving Me souls, bringing souls to fall in love with Me and correspond to My love so wide, so generous, but so misunderstood!
I offer My Heart as your dwelling place, I won't demand a priori that you be extremely perfect and holy; the only thing I will ask from you is just a little drop of love: true pure and unconditional, that's all! If you give Me only this, it will be enough for Me to offer all of you My valuable and varied treasures with which I will enrich you, cover you and embellish your souls; so that they too will shine in My eyes and in the eyes of all the ANGELS, bringing great joy to Heaven!
My SACRED HEART seeks apostles. Shall I find them among you?
My HEART seeks messengers. Will it find them among you?
My HEART seeks loving souls; may they love Him and close the many wounds that sinners have produced in Him, for their continuous "no", their continuous refusals to accept My Love and to unite with Me!
With your love you close and heal these open wounds in my Heart, for those to whom I offered my Love, but they despised it for other loves!
My little children. As the hen gathers her chicks under her wings, when she sees the storm coming down; so My Mother and I are gathering you under Our wings, because we see the great storm that will soon come down upon all humanity!
Have no doubt, My children, that it will be many times more, worse than the flood that awaits you. That is why we are gathering you under Our wings; to warm you with Our warmth to shield you from any possible ray of the great storm that will soon envelop the whole world!
Gather yourselves in the safe haven of Our Hearts, living in deep union of life and love with Us.
What I told My daughter FAUSTINA will soon come true. My return is imminent and I sent to the world over 70 years ago, My daughter FAUSTINA, with My MERCY.
Even here in Jacareí, at times when I have offered My Mercy to the world, you cannot count!
My manifestations with My Mother, Our calls of love have never ceased to be given. No one can claim or protest ignorance before the THRONE!
And soon I will come with My terrible day, preceded by the Sign of My Cross that will appear in Heaven and illuminate the earth for some time, and then I will command My ANGELS to gather to My right the wheat and to My left the weeds. And woe to those who could have been wheat, but miserably chose to be bad seed that spoils every good plantation!
With the strength of My Arm I will separate one from another; to the wheat I will gather in My barn, to the weeds I will cast to the dogs of hell!
Therefore My children, prepare yourselves, light the candle of your faith, of your watchfulness, and keep it burning, take care that no wind blows and extinguishes your flame; for I say to you, if when I find you asleep again, I will send My angels to bind you with feet and hands and cast you into the midst of the hellish dogs, and I say to you, terrible will be the slaughter that these wolves will do among you!
My SACRED HEART is giving you every opportunity, see that you do not waste them!
Now My FAUSTINE daughter will present Me with the names, of all those who truly propagate and love My Divine Mercy and I and My Mother will add a seal to their name that cannot be erased, neither in Heaven nor on Earth, and to these My SACRED HEART will now pour out the torrent of MERCY and purification. (PAUSE)
Marcos: Saint FAUSTINA presents the book to JESUS, who is looking at name by name and with his finger and MARY MOST HOLY print a mark, on top of each name, a white and red mark. (PAUSA) And now they quickly turn the sheets, print this sign on the names and another sheet, and mai another. (PAUSE) They have finished. (PAUSE) Saint FAUSTINA closes the book and returns to its place.
Now MARY MOST HOLY and JESUS together hold the globe that reflects colorful lights, (PAUSA) release it into the air. (PAUSE) Now the globe explodes into many rays of light, many, many! (PAUSE)
Marcos: Yes My Mother will tell them to continue praying the ROSARY PRAYER, which is a sure way of salvation!
Your Majesty wants something more from me today? Can I do something more for you?
See you soon!"