Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, I bless you all on this day!
My true devotee always imitates my pure and unalterable faith in GOD!
At all times of my life, especially in the most difficult ones, like 'the flight to Egypt', like 'the loss of the Child Jesus', like in the events of my hidden life with JESUS and MARY in Nazareth; I have never, never lost confidence and faith in GOD!
I have never, never let my faith be changed by anything.
The same faith you must have!
You must ask Me to increase my faith every day. In difficult times you must think of Me, call upon Me, call upon Me to help you!
And above all, think of Me, reflecting on how I have behaved in difficult times, so that you too may behave.
In all difficult times I have prayed, maintained peace, faith, trust, serenity and also collaborated with Divine Grace.
You must do the same in difficult moments that you will not lack in your earthly life. In so doing, you will copy My example and just as I have triumphed in all things, so will you!
My true devotee reflects My own faith.
I give you Peace! I bless you".