Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children. Have you already told yourselves of the immense gift that GOD makes to you, sending here the SACRED HEART OF JESUS, the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, and MY LOVE HEART, to give you these so precious Messages?
Have you already given an account of the immense gift that GOD has made to you, calling you to this place, to reveal to you in these Apparitions all His Love, His Goodness and His Will that saves the sinner?
Are you aware that the LORD has done and given much more to you than to many kingdoms of the past?
Are you truly aware that to you, the LORD has offered much more than he has offered to many kings, princes and sages in the history of mankind?
Are you aware that the LORD has offered you much more than he has offered to many saints of the past?
Are you aware that if the men of the past had received what you receive in these Messages, they would surely bear the fruits of holiness that GOD desires?
Are you aware that you My children, although you have received so much, correspond so little to what the LORD has given you?
Do you recognize that your ugly ingratitude and your ugly forgetfulness of the favors and graces that the LORD has given you here through these Apparitions is something worthy of punishment? What makes you worthy of eternal damnation to the fire of hell?
Do you recognize that each day your ingratitude grows more and more, thus making you unworthy for the LORD to look upon you again with Eyes of Kindness and Mercy?
Do you recognize that you have been called to great holiness here in these Messages, but that you have not wanted this holiness because you do not want and seek to renounce your earthly attachments?
Do you recognize that your souls could already be in an advanced state of sanctification, but because of your bad will; they are still completely obscured by attachments, by earthly loves?
Do you recognize that your souls could already be a crystal clear, where GOD could reflect His wonderful light, but still cannot because in you there are still stains that have not come out because you have not collaborated with the Action of the HOLY SPIRIT and HOLY MARY?
Do you recognize that here in this Sacred Place, Our Hearts have granted you rich Treasures, but have you despised Them for the Miseries of this world?
My children think. Reflect on all this. And change yourselves totally!
Pray! Pray a lot! For only with Prayer will you achieve all this, to which we invite you in Our Messages.
Pray more for the Anniversary of the Apparitions!
Be pleased. Pray more".