Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Time of Universal Grace at the Sanctuary of the Apparitions of Jacarei
Message of Mary Most Holy

I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION, I AM THE WOMAN crowned with twelve stars, with the Moon under her feet, clothed with the Sun and terrible as the army in battle order.
Yes, for love of Me, GOD created all that exists! All that exists was created for CHRIST and for Me. Even the human being, the man and the woman were created in My image and likeness and in the image and likeness of My Son.
It was in view of My most holy body that GOD created the body of EVA and also in view of the body of My Son that GOD created the body of Adam.
All animals, all plants, all animate and inanimate beings; all were created for Me, for My joy, for My service and for My joy.
From the tiniest bird to the great sun that lights the earth every day. From the tiniest ant to the most beautiful star in Heaven, all the LORD GOD has created for Me and for Christ, for My joy, for My service and for the joy of My Heart.
If GOD has loved Me so much, He wants all His children to love Me so too; to trust in Me and to have for Me a true, sincere and ardent devotion.
This devotion must be generous, making the soul serve Me and love Me more, better and with more burning love!
Through generous devotion the soul expands in the desire to serve Me, to love Me, to praise Me and work to make Me known and loved by all. And the more the soul serves Me, the more it wants to serve Me! And the more it loves Me, the more it wants to love Me!
The generous soul does not know how to calculate, that is, it does not keep measuring the works, the efforts, the prayers, the services and the acts that it has already done and does for Me. But rather, each day she tries more and more to throw herself and to ignite in this flame of generosity; which is born and which is the fruit of love.
Love is the tree; and generosity is the fruit.
I desire this devotion from all of you!
Peace My children! I give you peace!"
"-Beloved brothers, I MELANIE de La Salette bless you today also with the Holy Virgin!
Propagate the Message of La Salette, propagate "THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE", propagate this Apparition with the film that Marcos made that so consoles HOLY MARY; and that so glorifies the Apparition of HOLY MARY in La Salette. Propagate the Calls of the Mother of GOD in La Salette, with love, devotion and perseverance!
Pray the Rosary every day, for it is the Rosary that took me to Heaven! Through the Rosary, I climbed easily to Paradise; where I enjoy there for all the centuries, the eternal beatitude of seeing GOD and His MOTHER forever and ever.
Take the Apparition of La Salette and spread it as you have never done until today! Make the Calls of the Mother of GOD in La Salette reach every corner of the world!
Come here always, you who cannot go to La Salette every day! Come here, singing and praying in procession, for I MAXIMINE, and the Lady of La Salette, are here in this sacred place day and night.
In your tribulations call upon Me, and I will help you with My prayer, with My intercession, with My love!
"- I MAXIMINO, pastorinho de La Salette, also today I bless you with THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN.
Propagate the "SECRET OF LA SALETTE" quickly, so that as many people as possible may be warned of the punishments that must come into the world; and be converted before the time given by the LORD for conversion is over!
The Secret of La Salette has not yet happened, many parts of it will still happen and woe to the inhabitants of the earth! No one can escape from so many evils together!
But those who love the Holy Virgin, those who work for Her and spread Her Messages, will always have Her on their side as mediator of all Graces, as advocate, protector, helper, and helper.
I MAXIMINE strongly recommend to you the prayer of the Holy Rosary, because this prayer has been My strength, My consolation and My refuge in all my needs and in all the moments of My life.
Hell has furiously drawn against Me and MELANIE, persecuting us both through the people and through the bishops and priests who persecuted us, who called us liars and denied the Apparition we had of the Beautiful Lady on the high mountain of La Salette.
But we suffered everything with patience and always praying the Rosary we triumphed. While those who denied the Apparitions were punished in life, with sudden death and by painful accidents and after death with eternal fire.
For this reason I preferred to stay with HOLY MARY; you must prefer to stay with her, to believe in her, to obey her only, to love her and to spread the word! For those who do so, for a short period of trial in this life, receive an eternal and immortal prize in Heaven!
I MAXIMINE, together with MELANIE, promise to present your afflictions before the Holy Mother; every day and to obtain from Her the graces of peace, sanctification and salvation for you.
Peace to you!"
"-I. ISIDORO, servant of the Mother of GOD and of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, I greet you with peace!
The Holy Virgin is the masterpiece of GOD's hands.
She is also a rock of scandal, that is: He who stumbles over Her; who does not love Her; who does not obey Her; who does not serve Her. After having known: the holiness of HIM; the privileges of HIM; the prerogatives of HIM; the love with which God created HIM and the singular gifts with which He adorned HIM.
He will sin to death, he will not be forgiven and he will certainly condemn himself.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin in a soul is a sure sign of salvation; as well as the lack of devotion to the Blessed Virgin, or even hatred of her is a sure sign of condemnation to the fire of hell!
I ISIDORO, I reaffirm to you: That all that the Lord GOD has created, man and all that has been made for man's use, has been made for MARY. And therefore everything must serve MARY, glorify MARY, bless MARY and be under MARY's dominion.
And he who thus does not want to serve, to live, to submit, let him be cursed! Let him be cursed!
The Lord GOD desires this burning love from you and truly entrenched by His most holy Mother!
A powerful, sure and effective instrument to achieve this true love and true devotion for Saints Mary; and to keep them for life without running the risk of losing this treasure or of them being stolen by the hellish pirates, the demons, an effective means to obtain this grace and to keep it is the "TRUE DEVOTION TO SAINT JOSEPH" here in this revealed Shrine.
Here in these Messages explained and offered to you as a very rich treasure from Heaven that you must all have, practice and observe punctually and faithfully.
I ISIDORO, I give you the blessing today and I tell you:
The "Scapular of the Immaculate Conception" that you will have blessed today by the Mother of God and bring home to you, will be for you a new source of grace and peace from Mary's Immaculate Heart.
It will serve to guard you from all evil and it will also be placed at the doors of your homes to guard you from sin, apostasy, evil and violence!
He shall be placed on your plantations, so that you may be blessed by GOD and free from the plagues! It must be put by you, in your body, so that body and soul may always live under the lordship of IMMACULATE MARY.
He must also be put in your place of work, so that he may be blessed by GOD, free from accidents, free from evil, free from sin and peace may reign there!
You may also place him on the sick, so that they may be relieved and consoled by the Mother of GOD and those who are of the holy will of the Lord, will even be healed!
This "BLUE SCAPULAR OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION" should be placed above all on the bodies of children; so that from childhood their innocence, their purity, their faith, their devotion to the Holy Mary, their souls may be guarded and protected from the temptations of this evil world dominated by the devil. Obscured by the darkness of apostasy, sins and vices.
The agonizing who die with this "BLUE SCAPULAR OF THE LADY OF THE CONCEPTATION", will not know the eternal flames!
Those who use with faith and trust will have the grace to be escorted to Heaven at the hour of death; by the angels who accompanied the soul of HOLY MARY from the hands of GOD in Paradise, to her little body in the womb of HOLY ANA in her IMMACULATE CONCEPTATION at the moment of her Most Holy conception!
Use it with devotion, spread it! For this gift of the Mother of GOD has been given to you with love, and given especially with love to you Marcos. This is your task from now on: to propagate this BLUE SCAPULAR together with the GREY that the Mother of GOD has given you here; with the GREEN and the MARROM and all the others she has sent you. So that this people may suffer less from diabolic influence, diabolic infestation, diabolic possession and diabolic interference in their minds, bodies, houses and businesses. And so, the grace of God, have more effectiveness, more power and more freedom of action in the lives of all of them.
Will you do this Marcos? Will you do it out of love for yours and my Lady? (PAUSE)
So blessed are you, Pastor of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION!
Now the LORD, and all of us together, will bless the BLUE SCAPULAR, which you will then pray imposing on all. And we will bless the flowers that have been brought so that wherever they go, there will also come the blessing of the MOTHER OF GOD, conceived without the stain of original sin". (PAUSE)
MARCOS: "- Thank you, they are already blessed! Thank you, thank you a thousand times!"
"-Marcos, we the little Shepherds of La Salette as well as ISIDORO, love you very much, we bless you!
You must continue what We began. You must fight for the LADY and her APPARITIONS and MESSAGES as I and MAXIMINUS did, as all the seers of her who are in Heaven did.
We will help you, I MELANIE will be on your right, and MAXIMINO on your left, and ISIDORO will be behind you to protect you and bless you always, and before you will be all the ANGELS and Saints of GOD to smooth the way.
Trust, hope, encouragement and strength, and you Marcos will triumph!
Resist a little more, hold on everyone just a little longer! Because the day of the Victory of the Mother of GOD is near, when she will renew and purify the whole face of the earth, transforming it into the garden of her heart and then it will be earth only of peace, only of goodness, only of love, only of holiness.
Hang in there Marcos, there is little left, everybody hang in there, there is little left! And the LORD will triumph and we will be waiting for you to give you the Crown of Victory too!