Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph

Pricey children. My Most Loving Heart blesses you and tells you: - Peace!
Marcos, I bless you with all those who sincerely came to pray with you today!
I often visit souls with My lights and My graces, but I cannot enter their hearts because they are full of earthly attachments, of vanities; and then I turn away from Me sad because in that soul there is room for everything, for all the illusory loves of the world, but there is no room for My Love.
The fact that many souls are unable to obey the Messages is because they are still attached to themselves, to their wills, to their ideas, to their desires, to their inclinations and to the illusory loves of this world.
Until they vacate their inner home, I will not be able to enter with My Graces and My Lights. And without them, the soul alone will not be able to achieve perfect union with GOD in this life, so that it can then be admitted to GOD's coexistence in Heaven.
There are souls who have hunted for this all their lives. struggling to throw their attachments out of their hearts, and some did not even achieve it. So get to work right away, working so that your hearts are free from your attachments, because time is pressing!
Detachment is the first step you must take in climbing the high mountain of perfection.
I want your hearts to look at My Heart and reflect if there is any Love that can compare to His. May you look at the world and consider if there is any Love that can compare to My Love! Surely you will answer Me no, but does this answer truly come out of your heart? Is your heart truly willing to detach itself from other loves because of My Love?
Are your hearts truly willing to renounce themselves so that they can know My Love and unite with Me?
Whoever wants to be My friend cannot be a friend or even a sympathizer of My enemies! That is why you must choose between Me and them, between My Love and their love.
Therefore, see children that I invite you and call you to a holy, total and full love. May it make you truly pliable in My hands like a docile wood, which allows itself to be plowed, cut, chipped and carved by Me.
I want to make in you a beautiful work for the glorification of GOD, but I can only do it if you give yourselves totally to Me, that is, if you renounce yourselves completely so that then you obey, love, follow and listen only to Me!
Continue with the prayers that we have given you here, for if they are prayed for the Grace of detachment and self-denial, they are very powerful to attain such divine help.
Pray the Rosary of St. Raphael always, that you may be healed from the blows and battles against Satan, evil and sin! This rosary is very brief, but very effective, with it you will obtain great graces of peace and strengthening of your souls.
Marcos, I JOSEPH, bless you with those who sincerely came to pray with you".