Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 4, 2007
2Nd Message from Santa Rosa De Viterbo

Marcos: "-Mary Saint Rose of Viterbo, what do you wish for me today?
"Marcos, as I told you this week, I come today again to exhort you to holiness; so that you may enter through the door of salvation which is narrow and which requires that in order to pass through it, the soul be detached from all the attachments, earthly loves and burdens that they bring with them. It is necessary that the soul, in order to enter this narrow door, be truly free from all the chains that carry lead balls and that can prevent it even at the last moment from entering this door of salvation!
Only by totally renouncing yourself and your will, is this possible.
True peace is not in seeking the things of this world, not even in possessing them in great numbers; but true peace is in not being attached to anything and not being enslaved to anything. The less earthly passions a man has, the freer he is, the more happiness he enjoys, the greater inner joy he possesses and the less he has to be bored and worried.
Only when the soul exercises itself in self-denial, will its mind open to understand the word of GOD, to understand the Messages of the SACRED UNITED HEART, and to understand the will of GOD for it; GOD's plan for it.
That is why the Angels here have always said that to find oneself one must first lose; one must lose all attachments and all earthly affections first, and then find the "True Love", the "Love of GOD".
The soul that truly wants to reach holiness, has to be fully and solely enclosed in GOD. Only then will GOD's love dwell in your souls and they will be the perfect reflection of the LORD for yourselves and for this world.
Love, therefore, GOD, not with words but with deeds. Do not be a meaningless song, but let your life be a true hymn that glorifies the LORD in truth, sincerity and realism.
Never leave: prayer; works of penance; meditation; spiritual reading and retreat; even if in your conscience some sin accuses you, because these things are the only salvation and remedy of the sinner and if he turns to the LORD and his MOTHER, with a true desire to change, he will be forgiven!
May your life be a copy of Mine; lived always in penance, in prayer, in constant search for the will of GOD and a constant war on your own will, on your own nature and on your own "I", never giving him what he wants, nor what he seeks; but always submitting nature and your own "I" to the spirit that lives in you, THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Tame your human nature, tame your will, submitting it to the spirit through exercises of prayer, renunciation, detachment and mortification.
Follow me along this path and then you will truly find peace.
Marcos, I bless you in the name of the MOTHER OF GOD, of our Lord and of SAINT JOSEPH! I bless you in the name of the HOLY SPIRIT and all those who sincerely came today to pray with you.
Note: The first message of Saint Rose of Viterbo was on November 2, 2007.