Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Marcos. Marcos of the Angels, I BENORIEL bless you again today and all those who have come sincerely to pray with you and console the Mother of our Lord.
"Come, give me your heart! May they all give Us the Angels of the Lord their hearts, so that We may give them to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as property, gift and (_______)*.
If only men would understand that true holiness does not consist so much in performing miracles and giving men beautiful preaching that generates applause. But true holiness consists in renouncing oneself not only to the vices of this world that are evil and harmful, but also to the tastes allowed by love of GOD and even to spiritual tastes, so that Christ who is inseparable from his Cross may be better found.
Only when man finds CHRIST crucified in all his nullity, in all his detachment, will man truly achieve the perfect holiness that gives glory to GOD.
True holiness does not consist so much in knowing everything or understanding everything, but in each one renouncing themselves, their wills, their desires, their way of thinking, their inclination; so that then truly stripped of himself, do all the will of the LORD!
That is why so many fail to follow Christ and Mary Holy, because they do not want to imitate the total self-emptying of them that culminated in the Cross! They want to follow them, but only to Mount Tabor, only to the Transfiguration, from then on they no longer want to follow Him to Calvary which is the Mount of the stripping, of self-denial; so that He may receive the sacrifice from them (__________)*. This is the fault of Catholics. of Christians. It is necessary to follow Christ and Mary Holy through the path of renunciation and stripping, of detachment (______)*, otherwise you will never attain holiness and if you do not attain holiness you will not attain Heaven, because only the Saints can enter the light of Paradise in order to enjoy the blessed vision of GOD.
If you do not learn to die for yourselves, to renounce yourself you may even have an apparent holiness in the eyes of the world, but in GOD's eyes you will remain nothing. you will be nothing in His eyes.
Therefore, seek true holiness. In your prayers beseech the LORD to transform you into grains of wheat, which cause you to die to yourself so that only then can you bear fruit and fruit that remain for eternal life!
I BENORIEL am with you, but many are still far from the true devotion that I and the other Angels of the LORD want from you: an intimate, deep, tender, tender, trusting, constant, burning devotion! To this end, cultivate prayer to Us, increase the reading of Our Messages, increase the songs and spiritual hymns to Us, increase the fellowship with Us by kissing Our Images and coming to their feet every day to receive the blessings before, during and after the works; at the beginning and at the end of your days. And also always place yourself before us, telling us of your life. Of course we see your lives before the light of GOD, but we want to form you in this intimacy, in this closeness with you; which is not fictitious and surreal, but is concrete, palpable and tangible to you!
Come to us, who are with Our arms always extended to welcome you, to understand you, to comfort you, to relieve and to support you...The soul that entrusts itself to Us confidently like a little brother to its elder brother, this soul will constantly have Our protection assistance and help in life.
Marcos peace. Marcos of the Angels I bless you".
Note: The passages marked with an asterisk were not understandable on the recording.