Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Message of Saint Andrew Bessette

Marcos, I am André Bessette, I am an apostle of SAINT JOSEPH, from Canada. As you well know, I built the Shrine of SAINT JOSEPH in the Mont-Royal in Canada and have dedicated all my life to propagate the devotion to SAINT JOSEPH and to lead souls to find and surrender to Him forever as their true servants and devotees. Here you have the Apparitions of SAINT JOSEPH, and you have received directly from Him the mission to propagate the True Devotion to Him, to lead souls to the true Consecration and Union of supernatural life with Him. That is why I am your protector, adjutor, I am your companion who fights side by side with you; who fights with you and who wields the same sword with you! Yes Marcos, I ANDRÉ BESSETE, I am always here in this holy place praising SAINT JOSÉ, loving Him, venerating Him and praying to attract more souls to His Heart. The Most Beloved Heart of SAINT JOSEPH was not revealed to me at that time, that revelation was kept for you Marcos, for these Apparitions here. And when I reached heaven I met her, My heart rejoiced with joy! When I met her, when it was revealed to Me that St. Joseph would appear here and here reveal His Most Loving Heart that is unknown to the world, My heart rejoiced with joy! And when I met you, I knew that you would come into this world to spread this devotion, I immediately loved you and I have already begun to pray for you, so that you Marcos will take the whole world to love the Most Loving Heart of SAINT JOSEPH; My love, My life and My joy...I am with you always! Always use me as you learned to do long ago! Ask Me for help and graces; ask Me for the blessings of SAINT JOSEPH, for I enjoy much favor with Him and what I ask of Him He denies me nothing in Heaven, just as I asked Him for everything on earth in favor of others He denied Me nothing...Marcos asks Me for graces, prays to Me, turns to Me. ...Call Me in his works, in his daily life, in his spreading of the works of SAINT JOSEPH and of all the things that here the SACRED UNITED HEART has sent you to do! I will always be with you, helping you and helping all those who come for you and fight with you. I will love those who love you; I will help those who help you; I will support those who support you; I will punish those who make you suffer; and I will hate those who hate you; he who is your enemy will also be Mine! That is why Marcos, always trust in Me, I am your shield, your shelter and your eternal refuge. I bless you and I bless all the pilgrims of this holy place, who are here always with a true desire to love the holy Virgin, my love and my life, our love and our life.And with a true desire to love and obey these Holy Messages that come down from heaven, like a true summer rain in this place, to bring forth every good seed of holiness and salvation.Marcos peace! I bless you...Continue with all the prayers that the SACRED Hearts have sent you to do here, continue with SAN JOSEPH'S TIME, with the ROSARY MEDITATED, with all the prayers; for through them the hellish empire is being shaken little by little and will soon fall.Peace! Peace Marcos: Thank you very much, my dear Saint Andrew; I believe in you; I believe in your Holiness; I believe that you are the beloved, the dearest, the favorite of SAINT JOSEPH; I believe in you; I believe for all my life!