Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Message of Saint Joseph


Dear children, I am compared to the vine. Just as it casts its branches until it reaches the highest trees, so I have reached the highest virgins and the highest summits of holiness. The orange tree, the mulberry tree and the other trees are bigger than the vine, but none of them can throw their branches to the top of the trees and even pass them, like the vine. So it is I too: I excuse the other saints in all virtues, in love and in a degree of holiness. I cast my branches over theirs like a vine that rises and passes the branches of other trees. It is true that only Jesus and Mary had merits and grace to satisfy all human beings, but I too, with my love, with the degree of sanctity and virtues that I achieved, was able, after Jesus and Mary, to be the one who could satisfy men the most before God, our Lord. I am like the cedar of Lebanon. As it exceeds all other vegetations with its height and grandeur, so I also exceed the saints in holiness and virtue. I am compared to the rainbow. As it has multiple colors, so I possess multiple virtues in my most holy soul. And just as the colors of the rainbow are varied among themselves, so also varied were My virtues to form in My soul the iris of beauty, holiness and perfection. He who gives himself to Me; who is directed by Me; who is led by Me; shall reach great heights of virtue and holiness. He who follows Me; he who is led by Me; he who stumbles not, shall not stumble... shall not fall. Those who love Me attain perfection. Those who desire Me shall receive eternal life. Peace.



