Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children, have more love for the Holy Gray Scapular of Peace.
Whoever despises the Gray Scapular will despise the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and my Most Loving Heart that are stamped on it.
The Gray Scapular came out of the depths of Our Three Sacred Hearts and was given to you and delivered by the Blessed Virgin.
This Most Precious Treasure is not loved as it should be.
This most precious treasure is not appreciated as it should be.
It is like a lightning rod. The person who uses it will not be struck by the rays of God's wrath, by the punishments of God.
Through it, one can obtain peace of heart, peace of spirit, liberation from diabolical possession, healing even of some bodily illnesses.
Through this Rosary, this Meditated Rosary that my son Marcos makes, great graces are granted to you. When he is prayed, the Holy Spirit descends upon you. He is drawn to the places where this Meditated Rosary is prayed.
Demons run away from the house where he is prayed and where his sound is heard.
The demon will not remain near the people who wear the Gray Scapular of Peace.
Wherever this Scapular is, Angels will always be present surrounding and circling this person with their wings to defend them from evil.
If it is placed in a plague plantation, this plantation will be free of the plagues and will produce again.
If it is hung on the wall of a house, in that house, evil will not enter.
But remember: the Holy Meditated Rosary must be prayed together with the Gray Scapular.
This is Our will for you .
Be saints. Be holy as Mary Immaculate is holy. Be holy as God is holy!
Seek every day to strengthen yourselves more by prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, supplication, novenas, songs and silence.
Mortify your will!! Renounce your own will to do that of God.
And especially when you notice your defects, you must deplore them, but you must not deport them with the devil, for there resides a dangerous temptation.
Give your hearts into God's hands asking for the grace to be better and do not waste time trying to find out why you sin, why you have such or such misery.
For you will enter a whirlwind that will lead you to despair and you will fall into the dangerous temptation of My enemy. Soon after you recognize your miseries and cry them you must raise your eyes to Me and give yourselves again, totally to Me so that it is I who will carry you in My lap and carry you on the path of holiness.
I give you peace. I give you My blessing. Peace Marcos, my favorite son!"