Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. I am your Mother the 'LADY OF THE ROSARY', I am the 'RAIN and MESSAGE of PEACE'!
Again, dear Children, continue with all the prayers that I, my SON and JOSEPH have given you here, for these prayers will save most of humanity.
Be faithful! Always remain Catholic even though you find opposition within Catholicism itself.
Yes, My children, the Catholic faith is the only true faith, so you must have it to the end, even if you suffer persecution and injustice! You must continue to pray the Rosary, you must continue to love Me, to love My Son, to love JOSEPH, to love the Saints and Angels, to love all the truths of the faith that My Son JESUS taught you and of which I have always been a witness, bearer and final.
Pray! Renounce your earthly attachments, so that your souls may be free and free from everything that prevents them from being holy and fulfilling the will of the LORD fully.
I desire My children that you be strong, you have the virtue of fortitude! Ask for the virtue of fortitude for you and your brothers and sisters, that you may be strong in trials, in sickness, in suffering, that you may be strong in temptations, that you may be strong in the fulfillment and witness of the Holy Catholic Faith.
I have appeared in many places in the world, but they are deserted and My children do not want to know anything. There are rare places where My Love has not been paid with ingratitude, with forgetfulness and indifference; with disobedience and disdain.
May this never happen here My children! Therefore be true My children, singing and praying in procession to participate and pray from the beginning to the end of these Cenacles that do you so much good! That strengthen your faith, that correct you and teach you to see your mistakes, your mistakes, your defects and that lead you to overcome them and surpass your own "I", so that you may then be ardent children in the Love of GOD and in My Love.
I am with you every day, but only the pure of heart can feel me and recognize me in the events of your life. If your hearts are purified you will feel My presence, you will feel My constant help and protection in your daily life.
If your hearts are pure, you will understand My will in My Messages and events of your lives, you will understand what you must do! To purify your hearts shed many tears, with many groans and supplications renounce your own will to your own "I," your attachments, and then your heart will be as pure as a child's.
What is a child?"
It is someone who has no attachment to anything, because his heart is pure, free and innocent like that of a dove. That is what My Son meant when he said, "If you do not become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you do not have that purity, that innocence, that detachment! You will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Become, therefore, as little children, return to innocence by detaching yourselves from your disordered attachments, from your will that has evil, contrary to the LORD and you will have the purity of children and then your hearts will have the ability to understand My Messages, to understand My will and fulfill it perfectly. And then you will even jump for joy, because you will be able to feel My presence! Feel My Love! To taste of My Love! You will understand My will! You will understand My words! You will understand the Love I have for you.
Without this inner innocence, without this inner purity, you cannot understand My Love nor My Messages. Be pure as children and you will understand Me, you will feel My presence and always have it with you!
Continue praying the Holy Rosary for the Triumph of the Lord! For the Triumph of the Catholic Faith! For the Triumph of the good! For the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart and the Peace of the whole world!
Only when everyone prays the Rosary will everyone have Peace! Then spread the Meditated Rosary that is given to you here in profusion, that this My beloved son Marcos makes and gives to you! Propagate it as it is recorded with these Messages so that the whole world may know My Love and My Pain, correspond to My Love and come to comfort Me in My great Pain, and wipe my Tears. And so my children, I promise you, the world will be saved by a miracle of the Love of my Immaculate Heart.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord.
Message of Saint Joseph
"-Loved children. I Joseph give you today the blessing of My LOVING HEART!
Be faithful to Our Lord and Mary Most Holy! Offer your sufferings for the salvation of souls, for they can save many souls! You cannot imagine how great the power of suffering offered with prayer is when you suffer there My children, you save more souls! Offer, therefore, your sufferings with the Rosary, and all this will be reverted into Graces of conversion and salvation for many, many souls! The more you suffer the more we love you!
Behold, My children, all the sufferings that GOD allows in your lives have no other purpose than to save you and the world, to save so many souls who need more Graces to save themselves!
That is why the LORD allows suffering in your lives, so that you may unite it with the sufferings of Our Lord and complete what is lacking in the Passion of JESUS for the salvation of so many souls, who need so much!
If there were more patient souls, stronger in suffering the world would have more holy souls! There would be more conversions! The Holy Catholic Faith would spread more quickly. Therefore, offer your daily works, poverty, humiliations, privations! Offer the physical sufferings and sufferings of the soul with the Rosary, so that all these may be converted into more intense blessings that can save so many souls, even yours!
From now on, therefore, do not murmur anymore! Do not rebel any more against the will of the Lord who allows you the Cross for a few moments so that you can help them in the plan of salvation of humanity!
You will not be alone, I will always be with you and also HOLY MARY and Our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
My Most Loving Heart will be your refuge, today and forever!
Pray for our intentions! Imitate my poverty, I voluntarily wanted to be poor so that my Heart would have no other Love than JESUS and MARY, I freely detached myself from everything, I renounced my own will always and I consecrated myself to the Lord from the very first years of my life, so that my only Love would be Him and later on MARY SAINT.
Since the Lord gave Me in custody My great Love, the most pure, most holy and heavenly Love was She and the Child JESUS. It was the Lord who gave these two incalculable treasures to all humanity. You must follow Me on the road of poverty, on the road of total consecration, on the road of detachment, so that your love may be only GOD and MARY SAINT. That in your heart there may be only room and it may be occupied only by the Lord and by Her with His holy will and worthy of all honor, of all love, of all obedience and of all praise!
Stay in the Peace of the LORD".
Marcos: "-Who are you, beautiful Princess of Heaven?"
Message of Saint Edwirges
"-Marcos, I AM EDWIRGES servant of the LORD and of MARY MOST HOLY, I am known by all of you as the protector of the indebted.
Yes, I paid the debts of the poor to the King and he forgave them and sent them away in peace! And even new gifts I gave to them out of love for Me and in response to my request.
But now the main debts of yours that I want to pay and achieve forgiveness are your debts to the Justice of GOD caused by your sins! I have the mission to beg the forgiveness of the LORD and of MARY MOST HOLY day and night, the forgiveness of your debts! Forgiveness for the sorrows of your sins and thus obtain mercy and mercy for you from the LORD!
I pray, I intercede unceasingly with the LORD and with MARY MOST HOLY for you! Therefore, you must bring to Me your worries, your pains and, above all, your prayers so that I may one with Mine and thus present on the throne of the LORD and His Mother these gifts to obtain from Him the forgiveness of your debts!
You must follow Me on the path of detachment, of poverty, of penance that I myself have trodden for you. As queen I detached myself from my royal power to make myself a poor religious. Being of noble lineage I have always sought penance! I have always sought sacrifices, I have always prayed for many hours every day, even barefoot in the snow and on the ice! I always tried to console Our Lord and Holy Mary with many prayers, many tears, many fasts and abstinences. You must follow me on this path, you must follow me on the path of obedience to the LORD! I have always fought for the Holy Catholic Faith, for the Holy Rosary, for devotion to Mary and our Lord to spread not only in my kingdom but in all others and for all to love our Lord and Mary with all their hearts! You must follow me along this road, you must follow me by imitating the
My examples! If you do this you will have the same glorious end that I had, Paradise, Heaven!
In Heaven I am extremely happy! In Heaven I have the full vision of my Lord and his Mother. In Heaven I receive without ceasing the infinity of GOD's Love, of GOD's knowledge of participating in the infinite happiness of GOD. There I have the full enjoyment of the LORD!
If you follow Me on the path of penance, prayer, detachment, poverty, unrestricted and unconditional obedience to the LORD and His MOTHER you will be as happy as I am! You will shine more than the Sun among the Angels of GOD. I come to tell you that I can help you a lot and that it is My mission to teach you how to love and obey Mary and Our Lord with all the strength and love of your heart!
Consecrate yourselves therefore to Me! Make a special dedication of your souls and lives to Me on the 16th of each month. Always try during the day to raise your thoughts to Me, to pray to Me, to ask for My help, because I can help you a lot on the path to holiness! And even in your daily earthly concerns, even in these, I want and can help you provided that: you recommend yourselves to Me, give yourselves totally and docilely to My direction and that you trust fully that I can with My prayers grant you many graces from Our Lord and from Holy Mary for you!
On earth I wore a crown, in Heaven I prepare crowns for all the true children of GOD and of HOLY MARY, who obey their will! Who renounce their own will! Who detach themselves and know how to fight with them and love them perfectly. I prepare for you crowns in Heaven, I look forward to the day when I place them on your heads. Do not disappoint me! Therefore, do not lose these crowns for passing attachments, for earthly loves that do not lead to Heaven.
Come to Me! I am your sister, friend and companion. I want to help you, give me your hands, then I will take them and lead you along the path of holiness that I myself have traveled. Which is tight, but which is the way of life, which is the way that leads to Heaven!
With my help and my company he will be less harsh for you, for I will go before you softening all the stones, which Our Lord will allow Me so that your journey will be easier and you will reach Heaven more safely! Stay in the Peace of the LORD".