Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Pricey children. Wish the juice well that is GOD above all.
Look for it. While it is near!
Seek it. While it is left tangerine in your hands!
GOD is visiting the Earth these last times in My Apparitions, in a way never seen before!
He is near you. It is within reach of your hearts!
He comes as the King of Majesty, but His voice is like that of a poor pilgrim; who asks for a little love, who asks for a little attention, who asks you to give your lives completely to Him.
Do not defraud the LORD! Do not disappoint Him by running away from His will or the plan He has for you!
My Apparitions are the last call that the LORD makes to you!
Heed His call, listen to the voice of the Lord calling you in every word of My Messages!
Behold, your gross deafness. That your foolish ingratitude, will still destroy you!
Return from the evil way you are going, seeking to have for the LORD a true, sincere and inflamed love!
See that you were created only for Heaven, you were not created for the things of this world!
Therefore do not give yourself up to them! For they pass away as quickly as life. They pass away. You were created for Paradise, it was to Heaven that GOD formed you from nothing and called you into existence.
And to enter Paradise you must be holy, as Paradise is holy! How holy GOD is!
So desire, seek things from above! Seek the virtue of temperance, which regulates all your acts! All your desires, thoughts and intentions.
With the ruler of the virtue of temperance, you will perfectly balance all your desires, all your acts, all your intentions, and your words.
With the virtue of temperance you will never exaggerate, nor will you be spiritually greedy! You will never be wistful and crazy in faith and love; in action and work; nor will you be overindulged in other things.
With the virtue of temperance that is sister to prudence, you will correctly ponder all things and helped by the Light of the HOLY SPIRIT you will avoid every mistake and every evil and you will always be able to keep yourself in the grace, the will and the plan of GOD concerning you.
With the virtue of temperance, your spiritual taste and your temporal taste will be regulated! So you will only desire what GOD wants and you will reject and renounce everything that GOD does not want for you!
With the grace of temperance your souls will mature in faith, divine love and holiness. And then your hearts will have Peace, Perpetual Peace. For you will never be tormented by the craving for one thing and the scarcity of other things!
Your heart will be in the most perfect balance, peace and restraint.
Because of the sufferings resulting from original sin and your personal sins and also the will of GOD who wants the human being to reach Him through the road of the Cross, you will have sufferings in this life. But you will always be at peace! If you are with your hearts perfectly balanced and perfectly tempered as GOD wants!
In this way disturbance and restlessness, fruits of sin and Satan, will never drag your hearts either to the right or to the left; neither up nor down; you will always remain in the center as GOD wills. in perfect peace, balance and harmony of all things.
And then, the Peace of GOD that surpasses all human intelligence will shine and radiate from you to all souls around you! And all of them also fascinated, delighted and attracted by the Peace of the LORD that radiates from you, will also want to be like you. And they will join you in this way of holiness, which will result in the greatest good and eternal happiness for yourselves, and in the greatest glory and joy of the LORD in Heaven!
I give you Peace.
Keep praying all the prayers that I gave you here: the TREZENA, the SETENA, the MEDITED ROSARY, that My Marcos makes for you that is the best Rosary in the world! What pleases Me the most and what communicates your souls to My light, My will and My blessings, the Hour of Peace, the Hour of Saint Joseph and all the other prayers that I have given you here! For these prayers have the property of forming saints wherever they are prayed and there is good will.
I now bless you all with the efficacious graces of my Immaculate Heart".