Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, my Immaculate Heart blesses you all today and gives you new peace, new light in your souls!
You are attentive because the devil, mine and your adversary seek at every moment to deceive you, to deceive you and to embarrass you in the things of this world; even giving you the impression that you are already free and clear, but in truth you are still full of self-love, attachment to yourselves and attachment to passing things!
Seek, therefore, to identify and expel him! Expel the diabolical illusion from your souls; always trying to humble yourself before the LORD recognizing your misery, recognizing your nothingness and, above all, begging the LORD to take you by the hand and lead you along the path of inner mortification, of detachment from yourself so that you can then love GOD without barriers, without delays. And so you can carry out the plan that the LORD wove for you in the instant He created you, so that your life becomes for the whole world a sign of the greatness of the sign of His greatness, goodness, mercy and perfection.
My children, man only achieves happiness when he is detached from everything and lives here in this world living with everything, but without letting himself be enslaved inside for anything. It is not by giving oneself everything that one is completely happy; but it is by stripping oneself of everything that one truly achieves peace, tranquility and happiness.
How happy is the man who knows how to live on this earth, but without allowing himself to be embarrassed by anything.
How happy is the man who understands that happiness. true happiness is not found outside him, but inside! When the human being meets GOD in the depths of his heart! When he has the personal encounter with the LORD in the depths of his soul. And he accepts the LORD! Love the LORD! He wants to be a friend of the LORD! Then truly the human being is happy forever!
Which man has happiness?
Not the one who wants to have everything and not the one who really gives himself everything! But he is the one who greenly knows how to get rid of everything and live with things in this world, but having as his only true treasure in his heart: GOD, his infinite love and goodness.
I am the Mother of 'beautiful love'!
I am here, I come here to teach you the way of happiness, the way of peace, the way of Heaven!
I want to take you with Me to Heaven!
I want to lead you to that perpetual happiness that will never end!
There in Heaven, in eternity, the soul will drink of knowledge, of inexhaustible happiness, of friendship, of divine fruition that never runs out and therefore it will be happy, eternally happy! And at each bring of divine fruition that she has, that she will receive even greater will be her happiness. And so. From happiness to happiness; from joy to joy; from exultation to exultation she will live. eternally with GOD, inexhaustible goodness. That is Heaven.
That is why in Heaven there is never monotony!
In Heaven there is a joy, an indescribable happiness that always increases, making the soul immensely and infinitely happy together with its Creator!
Seek Heaven! Wish for Heaven!
Aspire to Heaven! Seeking on this earth to fulfill all that I tell you, to obey all that I command you, to follow My examples and then without error you will reach Heaven!
I bless you all today with my Angel Manuel and with my Most Chaste Spouse Saint Joseph.
I give you Peace, I leave you Peace, stay in the Peace of the LORD".