Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, my Immaculate Heart loved you even before you were born. My Heart desired to be with you. At the Annunciation of the Angel I thought before answering YESon each one of you. I knew that the YESI would give to the LORD would be not only for the Incarnation of the Word of the Son of God, but also for your salvation, for your redemption, so that the doors of Paradise closed by the sin of Adam and Eve would be opened again for you, for the human race.
I also knew how much suffering I would have to go through! How many pains I would have to suffer together with my Son Jesus throughout my life for your redemption and salvation to happen.
I loved you My children. The "Yes" I gave to GOD was for love of you! It was for you that I accepted to be a Mother persecuted with Jesus! It was for you that I accepted to suffer all the pains that I suffered in my life.
I thought with Love of each of you for a brief moment, which with God's Grace was as immense as an eternity...You all passed before my gaze! In My thought. I have known you there, seen you and loved you as you are and are now! And even before you could love Me and want to be My children, I had already loved you. I had already taken you as My children. I had already received you into My Heart. I had already received you into the safe refuge of my heart, and there I had already adopted you all as my children, I had already received you as my loves, as my beloved children.
I loved you first My children! I loved you before you could have a movement of love for Me.
And why have I loved you so much?
Because I always, always wanted your salvation. I always wanted you, My children, to one day be able to live in paradise again with GOD.
I loved you together with GOD, with pure, deep and great Love. In the face of this Love, I ask only for your love! In front of my Heart so full of love, my Heart only asks for your Heart!
Renounce, therefore, all the things that trouble you and prevent you from loving my Love and from giving yourself to my Love body and soul. Entirely... Look at my Heart and see if there is a love like my Love!!
Oh, no! There is not!
Only My Heart has this Love for you My children. And I am willing as I have always been to suffer all that I still have for your salvation.
If you, My children, wave to me that you want to be totally My own, I will never leave you.
The only soul I abandon is the one who abandons me; who rejects My Love; who despises My Love, putting another love in the place of My Love in his heart. This is the only soul I reject. The soul that despises all My Love! Who steps on My Love, who turns her back on My Love!
I pray that all My children will return to Me! But unfortunately there are some who have already despised My Love beyond all limits, beyond all measure. And for these I suffer great pain, because their return is already impossible!
That's why I ask little children, always stay close to My Love. Seek My Love! Correspond to My Love! Open your hearts to My Love! Give yourself to all My Love, which is sweeter than the honeycombs. I offer My heart to all of you!
My Heart will not reject anyone! My Heart will not despise anyone who comes to Me, with his heart in his hand to give it to Me. My Heart will always be calling all my children.
Hear My Voice! Seek Me while I am near and let Me find and
( * ) for you.
Peace to you Marcos. My beloved son. I bless you all with the Blessing of my Immaculate Heart.
(( * )= The Recording failed on this word.)