Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dearest children, I am Madame ROSA MÍSTICA.
I have my HEART adorned by three Mystical Roses: PRAYER, SACRIFICE and PENITHENCE, but I also have my HEART pierced by three Swords of PAIN.
In the past, when I appeared to PIERINA GILLI and explained to her the meaning of the Swords, she understood that the meaning of My Three Swords were:
- The betrayal of souls consecrated to GOD;
- The offenses they do to GOD;
- And the noncorrespondence, to the Call to GOD's Special Love, that they had.
Now at this end of time, these Swords take on the new meaning that I have given here in these APPARITIONS to My son Marcos.
- The First Sword means: The persecution, disobedience and hatred of souls consecrated to GOD, for My APPARITIONS, MESSAGES AND LACRIMATIONS.
- The Second Sword means: The disobedience of the people, both atheists and Catholics, towards My Messages. Their indifference and their dislove towards My APARTMENTS, MESSAGES AND LACRIMATIONS, which show the size of My immense LOVE.
- And the third Sword, means: All those who knew My APPARITIONS here in Jacareí, and also in other places. And they have moved away, betrayed My LOVE and even My persecutors, enemies and deniers of My APPARITIONS have become.
The meaning of these Three Swords must be present in your hearts. You know that every day, I am pierced by these Swords.
Every day men pierce these Swords with Me at every moment, bringing Tears of Blood down from My Eyes! And how few are they who comfort Me. Those who dry My Tears, seeking to be different from the rest of men!
How few they are. Those who seek to dry My Tears, through a holy life! Through obedience to My MESSAGES! Through sincere, total and radical LOVE to COME, with My MESSAGES and to GOD.
How few there are. Those who see in ME, being pierced every day like this! And they don't feel a drop of compassion for ME, nor for the pain that I feel.
That's why I came here, in these Apparitions of Jacari! To form around Me, a 'Circle of Souls', a 'Crown of Souls':
To love Me with the LOVE of SERAFINS!
May they obey Me with the same promptness of the QUERUBINS!
May they comfort Me with the same fervor of the Thrones and DOMINATIONS!
May they fight for ME, with the same courage, determined spirit of THRONS, PRICIPATES, ARCANGES, POTESTADES and ANGELS!
I have come here, to require these souls! To separate them from the rest of the world and reserve them only for My LOVE! But how many there are who run away from that! Who do not want to answer My Call! To be this My Circle of loving souls totally dedicated to My LOVE!
How many souls there are who don't want to give Me all their Heart, with all their affections, to be completely Mine!
This is what hurts Me the most and what makes My Eyes shed Tears of Blood! For everywhere I try to collect LOVE! But at most, I collect only crumbs of LOVE. They gave the bread of their love to the creatures, to content them, love them and please them. And they have consumed everything! They consumed all the love. And for me only the crumbs are left.
This is what makes My HEART suffer so much, and be so pierced with swords!
I call my true children, may they come from every corner of the earth! May they rise from the mire in which the world is fallen! And may they come here to form around Me, the 'Circle of LOVE' that I so desire!
Those souls who want to give themselves completely to ME! I will purify them! I will Purify them! I will cleanse! I will beautify! I will enlighten! I will perfume with My Virtues! I will wrap it in My Cloak of Love, Holiness and Grace! I will put in Your heads, mystic 'Crowns of Roses' of all Virtues and Good Works! I will fill with Incense, your Prayer lamps of the highest, pure and good quality! So that just like True Earthly ANGELS, they will love Me! Listen to Me! Follow Me! Obey Me! Make Me acclaimed and known! And follow Me wherever I go!
I call My True Children! May they come from all over the world! Join Me, so that together we may form a 'Circle of LOVE' of devotion, of obedience. To give contentment and placate the Wrath of THE ALL POWERFUL.
My Son JESUS told you a few days ago that the world will be given that Sign, which will last three days and three nights. And I say to you, for many will see that Sign:
You will not want the LOVE of GOD!!!
You will not want the LOVE of GOD!!
You will prefer the love of creatures!!!
They will prefer the old life!!!
Then will come the punishment, which will last three days and three nights too! And that will start in one morning. Suddenly! The men will be taken by surprise and will see themselves in the deepest darkness! And desperate men will scream, cry! But the ears of GOD and Mine will no longer hear them.
There will be panic everywhere! And as the ANGEL of FIRE passes in a whirl! All enemies of GOD and the Holy Catholic Faith will perish. The Good, My children, will be with Me. Those who have always been with me will be with me at that moment, and I too will be with them! And let no one intend, now pray for fear of this punishment that I am announcing. Why do those who pray for fear of punishment and follow Me only for fear of this! They will not be in the midst of My true children, who follow Me for LOVE!
I know My sheep! And I know which of them is LOVE and which of them are covered with the wool of LOVE.
So I tell you My children:
-Rush your conversion and at the same time rejoice! You who are always with me!
You who have preferred ME over the world, over yourselves, over creatures!
You who have given me all your heart! You are Mine and I am entirely yours!
And for this My children, you will stand with Me when the ANGEL of FIRE and TEMPESTAGE departs in the whirlwind of flames! And leave the earth completely cleansed from evil, sin and violence.
And you will see then, the greatest TRIUMPH OF MY IMMACULATE HEART! That I prophesied in FATIMA, I confirmed in MONTICHIARI and also here in JACAREI!
To all of you today I bless Fatima, Montichiari de Bodonou and Jacareí. Peace".